✾Chapter 15✾

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"CHANGMIN!!" The mentioned male turned to where he heard his name being called, "Yes Hyunjun?" Changmin answered as the younger near him. "I know who is after Chanhee, Jacob, and Haknyeon!" Hyunjun said. "Who?!?" Chanhee spoke up this time. "My old pack; they use omegas for their disgusting pleasures and once they think the omegas are useless they killed them" Hyunjun said.

Changmin pulled Chanhee closed out of reflects, "let's take this to my office" Changmin said as he proceeded to stand up, helping Chanhee as well. They packed up the picnic stuffed and headed inside, "Where's Kevin and Sunwoo?" Changmin asked as he opened the door to the house, "Sunwoo is with Haknyeon and I don't know where Kevin is" Hyunjun answered. "I also have something else to say but let's focus on this right now" Hyunjun added and the two nod.

"Hey Sangyeon hyung, have you seen Kevin?" Chanhee asked the oldest who was sitting on the couch with a book in hand, "He and Jacob just got done with eating since Kevin woke up from a nap. They're probably in their room right now" Sangyeon answered. "Okay thank you hyung" Chanhee said as he set the picnic basket on the counter and the three walked up the stairs. "You head to the office and I'll get Kevin and Sunwoo" Chanhee said and kissed Changmin's cheek; walking away after.

Once Chanhee arrived at the room, he knocked and waited for a couple of minutes. "Oh Luna? What brings you here?" Jacob said as he was the one who opened the door, "good afternoon Jacob hyung, uh Changmin wants Kevin to come to his office. Nothing bad, just a task he wants to talk to him about" Chanhee lied. "Oh okay, give me a second" Jacob said and closed the door. Chanhee waited a few seconds before the door was open again by Kevin.

"Was is it?" Kevin asked Chanhee once they were away from his room, "Hyunjun figured out who the pack is. I won't say though. I have to get Sunwoo. You head to the office okay?" Chanhee said and Kevin nod as they went separate ways.

"Now where could Sunwoo be?" Chanhee asked himself as he headed down the stairs. He enter the living room and saw Younghoon, Hyunjae, Sangyeon, Juyeon and Eric all hanging out in there. "Hey guys" he greeted them. "Hello Heehee, how are you?" Eric was the first to speck, "I'm good Eric, have any of y'all seen Haknyeon and Sunwoo? Changmin needs to speck to Sunwoo about a task and I was told that he is with Haknyeon?" Chanhee stated.

"I believe they are taking a walk in the forest" Hyunjae said, "okay thank you Hyunjae hyung" Chanhee said with a bow and walked out the house.


"You're really willingly to give us a try?" Sunwoo asked still in disbelief that this was actually happening, all his dreams coming true. Well not all of them, he still has that one dream of becoming a raccoon, but that's besides the point. "I mean, if you're not sure about this then-"

"No, no! I'm totally sure about this, about us. I'm just in shock that choose me." Sunwoo said cutting off Haknyeon's sentence. "I mean, it would have been you anyway. You did help me not die in the forest when we first met." Haknyeon said with a smile tightening his grip on Sunwoo's hand.

"And I'll do it again if I have to." Sunwoo said as he lean in to give Haknyeon a kiss. But before that could happen, he got yanked backwards. "Sorry Haknyeon, but Changmin needs him." Chanhee said as he dragged Sunwoo away from a confused Haknyeon who waved bye to Sunwoo who was pouting.

"Oh, come on! I was having a very important moment!" Sunwoo whined as he crossed his arms over his chest and a pout playing on his lips. "You and me both." Kevin said patting the younger's back as a sign of comfort. "I was as well but, this is important so I need you here." Changmin said as he motion to Hyunjun to speak. "Alright, so um...I kinda figured out who could be stalking the omegas." He started as he played with his fingers and Kevin gasping. "Who?" Kevin quickly asked turning to the younger.

"My old pack, Lost Shadow. They're pretty horrible people, omegas were used and sometimes they even took other packs' omegas and once they felt like there was no use in the omegas anymore they killed them, but kept the babies as it was their child. I'm just glad I ran away as fast I could before I became apart of that association because I was definitely not doing any of that." Hyunjun explained as a shiver went down his spine. "Those poor omegas." Chanhee said with a sad expression.

"Thank you Hyunjun. So here's the plan, we go to this next mask ball, get some intel about the Lost Shadow and where they are located at-"

"Wait, Lost Shadow is a huge pack. If we go there with only us then we're dead meat." Hyunjun warned. It was silent for a few minutes before Chanhee spoke up, "I know someone who can help us.". "Who?" Changmin asked as they turned to the Luna. "So while I was taking a walk around the house, a young wolf not much younger than Hyunjun was lurking around and he seemed lost

and so I asked them to shift so we could talk. His name was Chan and he was looking for his way back to his pack which is our neighboring pack. And then a wolf with blonde fur came out from the forest and Chan said that was his Luna and mother. The Luna was very thankful of me for watching over his son for him and said we can always ask him and his pack for help." Chanhee explained all in one breath, taking deep breaths afterwards.

"Alright so we know one of our neighboring packs are friendly. Do you know the way over to their pack house?" Kevin asked and Chanhee nodded. "The Luna left a pathway for us so if we ever need a way to their house we can follow the path." Chanhee stated with a smiled.

"Looks like we need a gift basket."

Who do you think is the neighboring pack?

Also I'm sorry for not updating, I had writer's block. But it's ok now because here's an update!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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