✾Chapter 3✾

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A blonde with blue tips fur was running threw the forest, trying to escape from the others that were chasing him. 'Come on, please make it out this time' he thought as he was getting ready to jump over the wall and once he jumped, he....

Made it over 'yes! Finally! Freedom!' He said as he continued to run farther into the forest to make sure he was far away from the pack house as possible. Once he was far enough, he started to slow down and catch his breathe. As he was doing so he shifted into his human form and stretch his limbs, "Jesus! That felt good" he said and continue to walk into the forest, picking berries and fruits to eat later. As he was walking, he started to smell something burning, then the smell of "bunny!" He said excitedly and walked towards where the smell was coming from, he spotted a cave and a light inside it, "probably from the fire" he thought out loud but stopped once he smelled an alpha around the cave, 'damnit, I guess I have to stick with the berries and fruits' he said as he turned around.

"What is an omega doing out here alone? Are you lost?" He heard a voice behind him say, "please don't hurt me, I smelled bunny being made and decided to follow the smelled. I'll leave right away" the omega said in a hurry to not make the alpha pissed or annoyed, "if you're hungry, you could have just said so. Come on in, I don't bite" the alpha said and the omega smiled entering the cave. "I see you have some berries and fruits, perfect side dish for bunny" the alpha said and turned the stick the bunny was on, "are you going to.... You know.... After we eat?" The omega asked kinda scared.

The alpha understood what the other met and shook his head quickly, "No no no no! Of course not! I'm not like that, I just thought you needed food and a place to stay as it's getting dark outside and a omega shouldn't be out alone" the alpha stated, the omega sighed in relief, "Good, I had enough of that torture...." He said looking down and started playing with his hands a little, "here, eat up and then you can rest over there. I'll keep my distance" the alpha said handing the omega a piece of bunny, "you promise?" The omega asked taking the food slowly, "I promise" the alpha said with a smile.

They ate and slept on different sides of the cave, the alpha kept his promise and stay a good distance away from the other. Morning fell and the two woke up, "good morning" the alpha said with a yawn, "morning~" the omega said back also yawning, "we should keep moving. We're still near a pack's house" the alpha said packing up and throwing the bag over his shoulders, "Agree" the omega nod and stood up as they both walked out the cave and heading west of the cave.

"I never caught your name, little one. May I know it?" The alpha asked slightly looking at the other, "It's Eric, Eric Sohn" the omega said softly, "ahh, the soon to be Luna of Faded Night's and Blue Gem's packs. Why are you running, if you don't mind telling?" The alpha said, "first tell me your name since I told you mine" Eric said, the alpha chuckled a little but answer anyways, "I'm Juyeon, Lee Juyeon" the alpha said and smiled, Eric smiled back. "May you answer my question now?" Juyeon asked after some minutes, "oh, right. I'm running away because they use me for their own fun and amusement...." Eric said softly.

"Ahh~ that's why you asked that question last night. well don't worry, I won't hurt ya" Juyeon said and Eric nodded as they continue their walk in silence.


Juyeon stop holding his arm out, which made Eric stop; crashing into the arm, "what is it?" He asked Juyeon, "Alphas, stay close" Juyeon answered as he started to walk again making sure Eric stayed close and wasn't in any harm, "Do you think they're mates yet?"

"It doesn't seem like it..."

"Should we kill the alpha and take the omega?"

"That sounds like a plan"

Juyeon now held Eric close and hold out a knife he had, "when did you get that?!" Eric asked, "been had it" Juyeon stated with a smile, "Come out, I know you're hiding!" Juyeon said a little bit louder, "look, the little alpha is smart. He knew that we were hiding." One alpha said coming out from the trees with a fake pout, juyeon growl lowly which scared Eric a little, "what do you want?" Juyeon asked angrily, "Him" the alpha said pointing to Eric, "No way, over my dead body" Juyeon said, pulling Eric closer if that's even possible with how close they already are.

"Alright then, I'll kill you" the alpha said and charge towards Juyeon, Juyeon swiftly dodge the attack pulling Eric to his chest and rolling backwards as he did so, standing up afterwards, "Nice try, but I think we'll take our leave now" Juyeon said picking Eric up and walking over to the alpha taking his knife out of the chest of the other wolf, cleaning it with the shirt of the alpha. "Come on, we have places to go" Juyeon said taking Eric's hand and walking away.

"How did you manage to throw the knife while pulling me close and rolling backwards?!?" Eric asked shock, "lots and lots of practice. I'll teach you one day. Also sorry for touching you too much, you probably felt uncomfortable. But I swear I was only doing it to protect you" juyeon said and looked towards Eric with a apologetic look, "it's okay Juyeon, I understand why you did it. No need to say sorry" Eric said as he smiled at the alpha, Juyeon returned the smile and they started walking again.

"We should find another cave to stay in for tonight" Juyeon said after some time of being silent and only hearing the leaves being crushed, "agreed, how about that one?" Eric asked as he pointed to a cave, "sure" Juyeon said and they walked over to it.

Little did they know, people were already in there....


Wow ✨Juric✨ also I don't know if I told y'all but I'm currently sick.

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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