✾Chapter 8✾

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"We need more pack members!~" Haknyeon whined as he laid on the couch, taking up most of it, "Go complain to the Head Alpha and Luna, not me" Sunwoo said lifting Haknyeon's legs to sit as he placed them on top of his lap. "Nah~ they're probably busy" Haknyeon said now playing with his hands, "With what? Sucking each other's facing?" Sunwoo said with a low chuckle.

"They're not that close yet to be doing that!" Haknyeon said hitting Sunwoo's arm, "Yah! Don't hit me! Hit the dummy" Sunwoo said rubbing the place Haknyeon hit, "But I did hit the dummy" Haknyeon said. "Alright you two!" Chanhee said as he was coming down the stairs, "I need you two along with Changmin to find any stray wolves looking for a pack. Bring in anyone that looks nice and loyal and that is not lying about anything they say" Chanhee said as he grab some grapes then walking to the living room.

"Me and Changmin decided that we needed more members, this is all his idea. Don't get hurt and if Changmin gets hurt tell him he's sleeping on the chairs tonight" Chanhee added as he left to find the other members of the pack. "I'm sure Chanhee already told y'all two so get ready" Changmin said coming down the stairs and eating some grapes. "Where did he go by any chance?" Changmin asked standing in front of the two, "I think to find the others" Sunwoo answered.

"Oh alright then, let me know when you are ready so we can set out" Changmin said walking away probably going to find Chanhee.


"The flower beds look nice Jacob hyung" Chanhee said as he was walking over to the older, "thank you, Eric picked out the flowers. They are really pretty flowers" Jacob said still making some final touches to the flowers, "they really are...." Chanhee said looking at the flowers, "what's on your mind Hee?" Jacob asked seeing the change of mood, "I don't know, ever since I started to share a room with Changmin my wolf has been going crazy and is always wanting to be around him" Chanhee said touching a light blue flowers that reminds him of the beautiful blue eyes that belongs to Changmin.

"Oh, Chanhee dear. You guys are mates and it's not just because you guys are the Head Alpha and Luna. When did you first started feeling like this?" Jacob asked as he stopped messing with the flowers to look at Chanhee, "Ever since we met...." Chanhee said softly. Jacob gasped, "y'all guys are fated mates!" Jacob said still in shock, "you really think so?" Chanhee asked as he looked at Jacob with his purple-ish pink eyes, Jacob nod, "it's obvious! All the hints are there and clear" Jacob said.

Before the conversation could continue, they heard a voice approaching them, "My dear Luna, I'm heading off now" they looked to see Changmin walking up to them, "Ah~ okay, make sure those two don't get hurt or it's your life on the line" Chanhee threatened as he pointed to the two behind Changmin, "Don't worry sweet cheeks, as head alpha I'll protect them" Changmin said bowing, "Get out of here before it gets dark" Chanhee said flustered by the nickname and the way the other was acting.

"Alright, let's go!" The Head Alpha said and shifted leading the way into the forest, the other two following him. "I believe he knows it too. How long as he been calling you that name?" Jacob said turning back to the flowers, "Ever since we met!" Chanhee said realizing it, "Jacob! Omg! You're a genius! Thank you!~" the Luna said as he ran away, "What's wrong with him?" Jacob turn to the left as he heard the fairly familiar voice of a certain alpha he took interest in, "He just realized that him and Changmin are fated mates" Jacob said as he dusted his hands, satisfied with his work. "That's a good thing." The alpha said, "yes, it's almost dinner time wanna help me prepare the food Kev?" Jacob ask as he started to walk inside.

"Of course, I'll love to" Kevin said following the omega.


'Do you smell anyone?'

'Nope, just bunnies. Can we have that for dinner tonight?'

'If that is what Jacob hyung is cooking tonight'


'Don't worry Hak, I'll make you bunny'

'Yayy!!! Thank you Sunnie' the brown wolf rubbed his head against the neck of the red furred wolf, the alpha leaning into the touch. 'Haha, whipped' the silver wolf said through the link, 'Says the one who calls our Luna sweet cheeks' Sunwoo said with a scoffed, 'For your information, I've been calling him that ever since we met and so I just stuck with it' Changmin huffed 'hey Head Alpha, mind doing the honors in protecting us!' Haknyeon said as he ran behind Changmin as he just scented alpha wolves nearby.

Changmin smelled the air and indeed there was alpha wolves nearby but with a hint of omega, 'it's okay Hak, they have omegas with them' Changmin said as he started walking to where the scent led them. They saw a dirty brown wolf, a light blue wolf, a jet black wolf, and and light brown wolf.

Changmin shifted to talk to the unknown wolves, "Hello, I'm Changmin. I'm the Head Alpha of my pack. May I talk to one of you guys?" The wolves looked at each other for a moment and then the dirty brown furred wolf shifted. "Hello, I'm Sangyeon, we're looking for a pack. We are run aways" the other said with a bow out of respect.

"Well lucky for you, we're a pack of run aways so you'll fit in just fine. Let's hurry to the pack house, it's almost dinner and the Luna will be upset if we don't return before dinner" Changmin said shifting back and leading the way.

"Phew! I thought something happened to y'all!" They saw Chanhee running to them, petting them all, giving more pets to Changmin. "No fair! Changmin gets more pets than me!" Haknyeon said pouting, "Don't worry Hak~ I believe that your fur is more softer than our Head Alpha's fur" Chanhee said pinching the brown head's cheeks, they heard a growl from the alpha and the both of them laughed. "Come on" Chanhee said walking inside, the wolves shifted to their humans form.

"That's our Luna" Sunwoo said proudly, "Did you really let the Luna talk about you like that?" One of the wolves asked, "it's pretty normal and I don't mind really. I know deep down he's playing around" Changmin said walking into the house, the newcomers followed him.


My sister is home but leaving soon to got out to eat. I had to help here change his belly button piercing

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

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