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Today is wedding day and cry was nervous to this day, this is a big chance for him and his love. Oh how he loved his girlfriend for days and months now and he can't stand it anymore because he wanted to marry his love and have a baby for a great family. Cry sighed and looked at the mirror to fix his tie and go to the church, while (name) is fixing her wedding dress with the other girls to help her.

Cry's point of view:
This is the last and most exciting day of my life. Today is the day that i will marry my beautiful bride..soon to be my lovely wife. I am now here at the church waiting for my bride, all of the guests are her even pewdie, marzia, minx, krism, and other youtubers as my friends. Ken's not here because he is still in jail in that little incident though.

~time skip~

Its now starting, all the visitors stood and looked at my beautiful bride. God she's so beautiful at her wedding dress, how her eyes light and perfect for her dress. As soon as she went beside me, we hold each others hand and the priest started to speak.
~time skip~
Blah blah blah priest saying so many words but at last he said "cry, will you take (name) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish the moment for your eternal life?" "i do" i answered, "and do you (name) take cry to be your lawfully weddes husband, to cherish thw moment in sickness and in health?" "i do she answered. "okay, i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the priest said and i took off her cloth covering her face and she took off my mask. I kissed her passionately, cherishing this moment ever and best the best part of our life. I could just picture this day so that if i grew older, i could still see the moments we've made.

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