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hello!!! so i'm staying up all night until i see a sun so that when the sun comes...going out and have good exercise, buy bread and make coffee if possible. so please enjoy~
Cry's point of view:
I woke up in then morning, felt dizziness on my head and headed to the bathroom. I slept at the guest room last night but i reek alcohol! I brushed my teeth and called my wife, "(name)!" no response, "(b/n)" no response too. It made me worried now so i searched around the house but there's no one here except me, i went to the kitchen to sit down and saw a note. So i started to read,
"Dear Cry,
I know that your wondering where we are but you need to get a hold of yourself, we left so that you will understand what your doing. Call me if your okay, we just you some privacy...

I fell on my knees, tears started to stream down to my cheeks. I started crying, cursing myself and blaming myself. I got up and called her, hope she be okay...

Your point of view:
I woke up because someone is calling so early. I looked at the caller's I.D and answered it, "h-hello?" i answered. I heard cry......crying? "cry, whats wrong?" you asked and he finally spoke "i'm so sorry (name)! I didn't know i was such an idiot to you... I-i shouldn't drink too much and torture you! I love you so so much and i wish you could give me another chance?!" he said while crying. I thought about it for a moment and said "o-okay...just enough with the drinking and torture okay hon?" he said "okay...i promise" and hung up. I felt relief and went down to make breakfast, i also started packing up again and said to pewds that were going back. They nodded and waved at us as a goodbye and have a safe ride gesture.

"I LOVE YOU"(cry x reader)Where stories live. Discover now