loss of blood and black out

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Your P.O.V
I missed the time me and my bro bond together, and they don't know that i have many cuts on my arms and thighs thats why i never show to them. I still didn't stop because its an addiction okay? Anyways we went out with the bvb for just having fun. I brought my badminton set and we are going to play badminton, me vs. Ashley purdy. I hope i win, he's too proffesional at this kind of sport.


This is super tiring!!! I am 12 while he is 14, 1 more point then bam! I lose. But this time i'll give all of my strength to beat him this is so hardcore. We are now playing, the shuttlecock was now above me and i smash it but because of the force i did the racket smashed into pieces and went to my face. I knelt down because of the pain, blood dripping to the ground and all i know is that all went black. I felt arms carrying me but i wished that its death.

Ashley's P.O.V

What.the.actual.fuck just happend? I ran towards my sister, carried her and drove her to the hospital while the others are following behind. We arrived and i entered the hospital not thinking of gently opening it. "Somebody help me my sister is bleeding for fuck sake!" Then the doctors came and took her in my arms and put her on a gurney. I was alone at the hallway, her husband and her other friends came and just sat at the waiting room while i was still standing feeling numb. Then an idea came on my mind, i contacted vic. He picked up after ringing for three times.(a=ashley,v=vic)

V: sup?

A: yeah umm could you vome here at the hospital? My sister is bleeding and i want you and your other bands come because she like your band and also sleeping with sirens. Oh and contact kellin to and tell him to come too.

V:sure! No problemo! I hope your sis is okay right now. Bye!


-end call-

Minutes later they arrived and i was really happy. Then the doctor came and announced what happend to her, "hello everyone i have good news and bad news. The good news is that she is okay and she is doing fine but the bad news is that she's in a coma because of the loss of blood." We were all shocked,"how did she loss many blood?" I asked "well while we are operating her we saw many cuts from her arms and thighs, there are old ones and fresh ones i'm so sorry." And now the shock was returned again. "Can we see her?" "You may" and then we all walking in. "Hey" i greeted "who are you?"she asked.


Cliffhanger!!! Hehehe sorry i haven't updated this chapter. Anyways i now don't know what the bext chapter will do next, message me your suggestions right now!!!






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