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Hello youtube! Sooo...i am going to sing you a love sooooong


So love! It is so far away
Oh WHAT? Can i say?

Ohohohoh love! Its got four letters!
Two of them are vowels (a,e,i,o,u sometimes y)
Two of them are really freaking weird!

Love! It starts wi-

Shut up MARvin!!! Sorry guys, he's singing a long song thats made from cryaotic. Yup he's and idiot anyways enjoy this chapter~!
Cry's point of view:
Finally my wife and daughter is coming back. I will never drink again and thats my promise, oh yeah and for those people who don't know about my lofe well here it is.


I was 3 years old, we had a great family. My mom, dad, sister and me in a house that belong to the Terry's. My real name is Ryan Terry, a happy boy who has a happy family. we had lots of fun at ours until i became 10. When i turned to 11, things started to go wrong. My dad started to drink and also cheated mom, sometimes they fight everyday. Thats why me and my sister went to our room and stayed there for a bit until there's no noise. My dad is always drunk thats why he fights with mom. This happens everyday until one night, this is the worst part. I was sitting under the table crying and sobbing, my mom got stabbed by dad "MOM!!!!!" I yelled and ran up to her. My dad saw me and grinned evilly, iwas so terrified that i went upstairs to our room where my sister is sleeping. I woke her up and she groaned "what's wrong ryan? Why are you crying?" "d-d-d-dad.....h-he's gonna kill m-m-me" i answered, shock was plastered on her face and she let me hid under our beds even she hid. We were afraid that dad might kill us. While we are hiding, dad slammed the door open and we kept ourselves quiet. Dad was now walking towards the room finding us, then i didn't know that my sister automatically rushed to dad and holded dad's arm "RUN AND LEFT THE HOUSE!" she yelled and i immediately did... I took my belongings and run away to the city.


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