Chapter 4

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It was a tiring day. The same routine he has been following since months. He missed his home. Unlike earlier times, when he used to go home at least twice or thrice a month, he visits home only once in two months. Things have changed. The work is taking a toll on his personal life. His life has become monotonous. He felt like a robot – waking up, going to office, coming back and sleeping.

There was no entertainment. He missed his parents, his cousins. He wished for a simple life but his mother insisted that he study software and go out of town and earn something. Become filthy rich so that she can brag about him to her relatives who always looked down on her. That was his mother's motive. He had seen his mom yell at his dad for being a simple farmer and a failed poet. He understands his mother wants the best for him but at times she failed to see that in that process, she is hurting her only son.

But Kuan swallowed and followed what his mother wanted like an obedient child. His head was pounding like a drum after staring at the computer for hours. He dragged his half-tired body lazily towards the lift when he heard someone scream.

"Hold that lift please, hey you....tall guy...". Who's being so loud? Kuan was inside the lift and was about to press the button when he heard someone scream. He held the door and the man barged in quickly.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you." Kuan simply nodded. Kuan looked at the boy standing beside him who pressed 24th floor. He was wearing a shoulder bag and a white shirt with ripped jeans that accentuated his slim figure. He looked like a college boy. The boy had a sparkle in his eyes and was smiling at him cheerily. Kuan realized he was staring at the boy who was now smiling. He cleared his throat and gave an awkward half smile back.

 He cleared his throat and gave an awkward half smile back

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"I am Zhuo Cheng. I haven't seen you before. Are you from here?"

"No." Kuan replied in monosyllable.

"I am a student. I am in my final year arts. You see I love our culture and want to learn more about our Chinese music and instruments. So am studying major in Music."

Zhou Cheng was rambling on and on about his life and studies. His parents were in XX city and he had come to Shanghai to learn about music. He had a sister who is married and has a baby boy. She is living in Shanghai as well and sometimes comes to visit him. Kuan found it amusing as to why this boy is sharing so much life story with a stranger.

It's not like Kuan asked or he was interested. He barely knew the guy. But he couldn't ask him to stop. That would be rude and Kuan is anything but that. But today he was tired and this boy was adding to his headache.

"So, what's your name Gege? Are you older than me? You look older than me or else why would you be wearing a tie? Which floor are you on? Oh, you are on 25th floor. This means you are above me, I mean not know". Cheng started giggling like a kid.

At 19th floor, Kuan pressed the lift and got out. "Excuse me, I have to go. See you later." He dashed out of the lift without waiting for a response and took a deep breath. He could walk the rest of the floors in peace.

As he reached out to open his door, a deep voice called him which made him jump. "Jason gege."


"What are you doing in Shanghai?"

"Can we go in first?"

"Sure." Kuan happily opened the keys. For the first time in the last few months, he felt truly happy.

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