Chapter 8

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"Would you like to go dinner with me?" Yibo's question caught Zhan off-guard.

This was the first time, Yibo has invited him for a dinner...rather anywhere. Yibo was a busy man who rarely spoke or barely had time for his husband. So, when Yibo asked him for dinner, he excitedly said yes. He put on his best outfit and looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked at Yibo who was dressed immaculately. He felt like he was the luckiest man in the planet to have married such a handsome man. Somehow, he still felt empty.

At the restaurant:

Yibo offered his arm to Zhan who gladly accepted. They walked hand in hand. The ambience was so beautiful. He whispered to Yibo, "Lovely place". Yibo smiled and Zhan felt himself melt.

"Mr. Wang". Someone called Yibo from behind. They both looked up and saw some foreign people.

"Hey Mr. Hudson, pleased to meet you. Have a seat." Yibo smiled and ushered them to sit.

It didn't take Zhan long enough that the only reason Yibo invited him was to portray him as an arm candy in front of his foreign clients and nothing else. His heart sunk. He smiled awkwardly and kept mum through the rest of the night.

Yibo, on the other hand, was oblivious to all of it. He carried on and laughed with the clients as if everything was well. Yibo had a few drinks but Zhan had zero tolerance. Sadly, Yibo didn't know about this. However, Zhan didn't feel like confessing as he didn't want to look like a child. So he took a couple of drinks and that was it.

"Zhan? Zhan?"

" are shoooo cute." Zhan started slurring and began swaying from side to side.

Yibo sighed. A drunk Zhan was the last thing he wanted to deal with. He will be leaving to USA tonight. And Zhan was not making things easier. His clients started laughing at Zhan's actions. "Excuse me, shall we discuss this tomorrow? He is a little tipsy."

"Tipp...tippp.....tiitpptip...tippsssy....", Zhan started mumbling.

Yibo said goodbye to his clients and pulled the drunk Zhan back to their home. All around the car, Zhan was pulling Yibo's cheeks and blabbering nonsense.

"You are so cute, bobo. You know I like you so much. You look like cute bobo bear especially when you pout like a baby." Then like a switch Zhan went into depressed mode. "But why do I feel you don't like me? hate me."

Yibo looked at Zhan who was sobbing sadly. He was feeling bad for the man sitting beside him. "Zhan, I don't hate you. I do like you. It's just that I need time, Zhan. I hope you understand."

Zhan who was looking somber didn't respond. He just stared out of the car window and cuddled himself letting the alcohol take over. Yibo carried him bridal style to the bedroom, laid him on the bed and started taking off his shoes and shirt when Zhan pulled Yibo towards him.

"Zhan..." Yibo gulped his throat and tried to pull away from him. He could feel Zhan's hot breath over this face. The sensation was making him feel things.

"Yibo..." Zhan whispered hoarsely as he pulled Yibo back his arms wrung around him. Was the alcohol or the emotion lurking within them that Yibo dived to kiss Zhan.

Zhan didn't hesitate even for a second and welcomed Yibo's tongue within him. He wanted him so badly. He wanted to be consumed by this man. The heat beneath him was building up.

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