Chapter 11

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Jason and Kuan were walking towards their apartment when they heard someone call Kuan.

"Hey Kuan....Haikuan...." They both turned to see Zhanjin walking towards them. "Wow. When did you get back to Shanghai?"

"Just a week ago."

"And how is your father?"

"Well, he is fine. He is discharged now."

"I am glad."

"Who is this?" Jason asked and Kuan introduced Zhanjin to Jason whose mouth went into an "O".

"Kuan, what are you doing this Friday?", Zhanjin asked.

"Ummm. Nothing. Why?"

"I would like to take you out, where ever you want to."

"Ohh okay."

"You don't have to tell me now. You still have my number, right?"


"Then message me. We will go anywhere you want to."

"Bye, Cute Kuan..." Zhanjin winked and pecked his cheek much to the amusement of Jason. He looked at Kuan who was smiling shyly.

After saying goodbyes, Zhanjin walked away with his shopping bags.

After he came from Beijing, Kuan went on a rambling spree on how he met a handsome pilot called Zhanjin. He was being a chatterbox on how cute Zhanjin's dimples are and how he gave a quick kiss on his cheek. Jason, who had similar reserved personality was surprised to see Kuan talk so much.


Time skip:

Though its been only a few weeks, Kuan and Zhanjin were literally glued to each other. They were like two crazy people in love – clinging on to each other. Jason tried to warn him about Zhanjin but Kuan was too naïve to understand but he just shrugged it off. Whenever Jason and Zhan hung out together, Kuan would find a way to bring Zhanjin into the topic. At one point, it actually made the two gag at Kuan and Zhanjin's lovey-dovey stories.

"I love you, Kuan."

Kuan stood like a tree shocked at the sudden confession of Zhanjin. "Umm....I..."

"Hey, you don't have to answer now. Take your time. I just wanted to let you know about my feelings."

Kuan nodded shyly and went back to his apartment his mind full of happiness. He loved Zhanjin, of course he did. Or at least he thought he did.


"Try opening the door", one man said.

"I am trying."

People had gathered and were trying to break in a door. They heard someone screaming.

"Did you hear that?", Jason spoke to Kuan. Kuan and Jason were having their dinner as usual when they heard a commotion. They opened their apartment door to see where the noise was coming from. They climbed a floor downstairs and saw neighbors banging on Cheng's door.

"What is going on", Jason asked to a neighbor.

"It's Cheng. I don't know. I heard screaming and now he is not opening the door", he replied.

"Let me go...Let me go..." Slap. Punch. They could hear Cheng screaming.

Jason asked everyone to step aside and with one full swift kicked the door open.

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