Chapter 5

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"Hellooooo, Shanghai, you are listening to Risky Business and this is your RJ Simon."

Jason smiled at the voice. He woke up every morning listening to this amazing voice. There was something soothing and mesmerizing in the voice that calmed his soul. He was the unwanted child of his parents. His parents divorced while he was at school and it took toll on him. His father was in the Chinese military and had rarely time for him. His mother who was lonely spent most of her time 'searching for love' in the arms of many men.

He was the mistake of his parents and their fights constantly reminded him of that. At one instance, when they couldn't stand each other, they decided to separate. Jason was shuffling through schools thanks to his parents who decided that he will stay with them every couple of years. At holidays, he would be at his father's ancestral home where he would forget his misery and be happy with his cousins.

His mother remarried many times while his father stayed back in the military. He couldn't care less about his son and ensured that a hefty amount was always deposited monthly to Jason's account. All Jason craved for was love but was deprived of it.

Even though he ended up in college, he couldn't continue and soon dropped out. He couldn't handle the pressure of his parents and his relatives. Truth is he didn't want to. He wanted to be free and couldn't live his life on other's expectations.

Today, even when his relatives mocked him, it was his cousins who shower him with love. That kept him sane and happy. That and RJ Simon. He never met the guy but his cheery voice and his go-getter attitude made him mushy.

"Jason gege, you up?" Jason's thoughts were interrupted by Kuan.

"Yeah, Kuan. Let me get ready. We will have breakfast together."

It's been a week since Jason started living with Kuan much to the chagrin of Kuan's mom. Every elder in the family disliked Jason and called him a failure. A broken boy from a broken family. But his two cousins were always there for him. Kuan was happy that his brother too is in Shanghai. He didn't feel alone. Now that all three of them are here, he couldn't be happier.

"Hello everyone, this is your host RJ Simon and you are listening to Risky business and as I always say, when your dream is in your head, your destiny is in your hands. I just got a message from Jason and he says. Hello Simon, do you realize you make the world a better place? When everyone says no, you are the only one pushing us to take risks. My cousins and I love your show. Aww thank you Jason. So, take those risks and make your dreams come true." Simon chirped happily sliding one of the many buttons in the controller board.

Jason had his earphones plugged in while listening to Simon. "You are welcome, Simon." He was in love with the voice, it made him forget the troubles in his life and lightened his spirit.

Simon was on air, "Do you like surprises? I just love when someone pulls a surprise like if someone calls or just drops in to say a quick Hi. So, that's what today's show is all about – surprises. When you least expecting it, people surprise you. Now it's time to take some calls. So that's what we are waiting for? Pick up the phone and dial my number XXXXXX."

But Jason had something else in his mind. He quickly dialed the number as he pulled out the bike and rode straight to the radio station. He wanted to surprise the DJ himself and meet the man behind the radio.

"Hello this is Risky Business. Who is calling?"

"Ummm...Simon, this is Jason." He quickly walked in to the radio station. The 'On air' sign was displayed on one of the station rooms. As he tried to enter the receptionist stopped him and asked him to sign a form. But soon the telephone rang beside her and she got occupied which gave Jason a chance to walk towards the radio booth. He was scanning looking for Simon when he found a man talking behind the mic. He looked at the back of Simon through the booth who was talking to Jason without realizing he is standing right behind him.

 He looked at the back of Simon through the booth who was talking to Jason without realizing he is standing right behind him

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"Hi Jason, so tell me where are you from?"

"I am from Beijing."

" am I. So, tell me Jason, do you like surprises?"

"Of course."

"Really? So, tell me when was the last impulsive thing that you did?"

"So many. But today's surprise is gonna be the best."

"Okay, that's interesting. So, who you gonna surprise today?"


"What do you mean?"

"I mean what if I come and surprise you."

"Ha...ha no way, no one's that impulsive."

"Don't worry sunshine, I will make you believe me."

"I don't believe you at all."

"Ohh you should get to know me", Jason quipped.

"Are you flirting with me Jason on air? You do realize there are thousands of people listening."

"Yes, I am and I don't care who is listening."

Simon chuckled, "Alright, Alright, hold on. Time for a message from our sponsors." He asked his colleague Zhehan to give him the papers. And that's when Jason saw – Simon in a motorized wheelchair.

Blood drained from Jason's face. He didn't expect this, not this Simon at least. He hung up the phone and backed away from the booth. He stood there for a few minutes in silence not able to comprehend. His mind was racing with many questions. You think you know someone and they turn out to be entirely something else?

"Hello...hello...oops look like we lost our impulsive Jason there. Okay folks it's time to wind up the show. So, let's be impulsive and give someone a fantastic surprise. This is RJ Simon and I will see you guys tomorrow."

Jason stood still as he saw Simon move around with his friend out of the booth. They both were laughing talking about him wondering how can a guy be so impulsive. His colleagues lauded him for a great show. He looked at them. They loved Simon. How can he be so happy? This boy intrigued him beyond his expectations.


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A/N: There you go guys, a double update. If you like the story, consider giving it a vote. Share your comments so that I can improve on my writing.


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