Chapter 17

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Over the next few days, Jason was busy with his championship practice. Simon kept calling him but he spoke to him in monosyllables. It was impossible but Jason was trying to be physically away from Simon. He felt he would burst into flames if he didn't see Simon. However, Mrs. Gong's words resonated in his mind.

"I know he made a wrong choice once but I am sure he will never another one again." Jason knew Mrs. Gong's words were thrown at him intentionally. He wouldn't blame her. No mother in the right sense would want their kid to be with someone like Jason.

Simon, on the other hand, was wondering why Jason is distancing himself from him. Something happened after he dropped Simon home after his birthday. Though they haven't openly discussed their relationship, he thought Jason knew how serious Simon is about him and he was sure Jason felt the same way about him too. Something didn't seem right. He called Jason one more time hoping this time he would answer and he did.

"Why didn't you tell me, you are moving to Australia?", Jason asked over the phone.

"I...I wanted to....Jason trust me when I say this that I wanted to talk to you but I just couldn't", Simon replied. How did Jason know? He had been meaning to talk to Jason but then he stopped himself.

"How did you know?", he asked but Jason dodged the question.

"So, are you going to Australia?", Jason asked. He prayed Simon would say that no, he won't go to Australia.

"I don't know, Jason...I", Simon said.

"Hmmm...So this is it, then?", Jason asked his voice without any emotion.

Simon couldn't make his mind. What was he supposed to do? Following his dream or following his heart? His mother had high expectations from him. How could he fail her? How could he fail himself? Moving to Australia was his dream, but Jason was his love. It's true he wanted to go to Australia but that was before Jason came into his life. Now things have changed. What should he do? Give up his dream or his love?

"Jason, I...", Simon paused trying to frame the right sentence.

But before he could say anything, Jason cut the call. He knew the answer as he sat on his bike. Tears were flowing from his eyes. This was the first time he was crying. Last time he cried was when his parents got divorced. He realized there was no point in tears and always kept himself in control of his emotions. But this was the one time when his emotions won't stop.

"Jason gege, are you ready?". He quickly wiped his tears and turned. It was Kai.

"Yes, just give me a minute", he spoke. He needs to focus on the Championship. He cannot let down the people who believed in him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he started preparing for the big day.


China Superbike Championship Day

"Hey guys."

"Kuan gege, Cheng, Zhan...hey everybody, Zhan is here", Kai yelled to the others who came to greet them.

Zhan turned to Kai and said, "Meet my husband – Yibo." They all turned to look at the man who was walking towards them. He was wearing ripped jeans with white shirt and shades on his face that showed everyone the power he still held.

"Zai...", Kai said in shock.

Yibo smiled as he looked at the expressions on everyone's face. "Hey Kai, man.....So, Storm riders back again, huh???"

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