Chapter 12

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"Don't you have anything to do besides following me?" Simon yelled. Simon was in a bus stop waiting when he saw Jason stand in a corner watching him like a hawk. He didn't do anything. Jason simply looked at Simon, watching him curiously with fascination, with adoration (cough, with love).

"Aren't you supposed to be at work? Why are you following me?", Simon yelled but Jason didn't respond.

Soon a bus came and the door opened. Simon moved his chair to board the bus but before it could close, Jason pressed the door to stop it from closing allowing Simon to go inside. As Simon parked himself in the front area near the door, Jason sat in the front seat beside Simon. Finally, Jason spoke, "I don't want to follow you, I want to walk beside you."

This threw Simon off-guard as he found himself smile at the comment. His heart skipped a beat. He had built a wall around him only letting a few people stay within that area. But somehow Jason, his actions and his words was breaking the wall. He smiled at Jason's words.

Jason strode beside Simon as he maneuvered the wheelchair towards his home. They walked in comfortable silence. "This is me.", Simon said pointing to his home. Jason looked up at the huge mansion in front of him. The guard who saw Simon came running towards him.

"Son, Mrs. Gong is waiting for you. She called you many times but you didn't answer."

"Oh... okay. You go ahead, I will be in a minute". Simon nodded to the guard who went to inform Mrs. Gong.

Simon took out his phone. 24 missed calls. Oh No. He will hear an earful. He had put the phone on vibrating mode at the radio station and forgot to turn on the sound. He looked at Jason who was looking at him. Simon cleared his throat. "Umm...would you like to come in?"

"Later. You go ahead. I will see you tomorrow." He gave a quick peck on Simon's cheek and walked away leaving the poor guy in shock. It took a moment to realize. Wait? What just happened? Did he say tomorrow? Does that mean he will show up again? Simon smiled to himself his mind filled with happiness and confusion as he entered his home.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Gong who reached the gate witnessed what was happening. Who's this man? If only looks can kill? She clenched her fists but somehow composed herself. She walked back to the home, her face poker and serious.

Simon entered his home lost in thoughts when a voice interrupted him. "What happened? Why are you so late?". It was Mrs. Gong.

"Oh nothing, maa. I stayed for a while at the Radio Station and then the bus got late."

"Hmm. Okay. But you could have answered your phone."

"I put it on silent and then forgot to turn the sound on. Sorry Ma."

"Hmm...Make sure to answer your phone when I call. You know how worried I was. Is this how you will be when you go to Australia? Now go ahead and freshen up. I will set the table." Mrs. Gong kissed her son as she watched her son leave to his room. She sighed and went to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Jun Jun is Mrs. Gong's pride.

After losing her husband, he was her only reason to stay sane and alive. But after the accident, things changed. She was proud of her son, proud that he fought back and never gave up on his life. He wasn't the one to see the mountains and admire it.....he was the one to conquer it. He never spent his time pondering why things happened to him. He accepted what happened and moved on. But one thing she noticed is he has built a wall around himself. He was social yet withdrawn. It only took a special someone to break that wall. He wanted to learn more and that's why he applied for a Masters in Mass Communications in Australia. He was happy that the university acknowledged him. But now, this unknown man has become an influence in Simon's life....a bad influence, she thought to herself. She will not let her son be with this nomad.

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