Chapter 3

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Walking inside of my house I see my uncle sitting at the table with a lady. She was from Dcf child and services.
"Are you Jaiy"? She asked.
"Yes ma'am". I told her
"So you are the one who saw your cousin throw herself"?
"Yes ", I told her in a worried voice because I already saw where this was going.
She was asking me all these questions about what happened with Kylee. I was angry inside because to where everything was going it seemed as if she were blaming me for the marks on my cousins face.

"Click". She took a picture of my cousins metal toddler bed which was broke. When Kylee slung herself into it ,it broke because one of the screws were already missing and well my cousin was pretty big for her size.
She thought I didnt notice the flash on her phone when she took the picture behind her back trying to take the picture slickly.
"When kylee is ain trouble what do yall do"? She asked.
"We put her in time out on her bed", I replied back.
We put her in time out and she gets soo mad because she hates being in time out so she throws her temper tantrums.

She was asking more and more questions & asked me if I pop her in the mouth when she is in trouble.
I answered her truthfully & told her " I pop her in the mouth but not hard it is like a tap". I do not hit any kids hard mostly because I am not the type to hit a child. I feel bad wen I barely pop Kylee in the mouth for cussing.
Yes, kylee does cuss at her age. I dont know where she learned it from. But that is wen I pop her in the mouth and that is it.

The lady tells me that the mark on Kylees face is a hand print with four fingers.
I look up at her confused because no one hit kylee she slung herself.
I got up directing the lady to kylees bed and showed her the four bars on the bed she had hit.
"No" the lady said. "That is not what is on her face"
At this point I am furious because she is accusing one of us of beating my baby cousin. No one in the house hits her.

The lady finally leaves and Diamond and Daisy, and my uncle, & me are all just sitting there in disbelief.
How could we be getting accused of something so brutal.

--The Next Day--

I didnt go to school because of what was going on.
My mom was working and it was just me and my two big sisters at my house.
It was about 2:40pm , my two little brothers were about to get off school.
We went down to the bus stop and got them.
"This lady came to my school and took pictures of me" ,the littlest one said.
"Yea she took pictures of me to", the second smallest one said.
Me and my sister's looked at each other and we knew what lady it was.

The same lady who came to ask me them questions went to the school and was questioning my brothers and taking pictures.
We immediately called my mom and told her what was goin on. She told us to go pick up my 3 year old brother from daycare and my other brother in middle school and sister from high school.

We were speeding, thank god we didnt get stopped.
When we picked my 3yr old brother up, someone had already checked him out but took him back. Apparently the lady visited him to.
We picked up my sister from high school and then my brother from middle school. When they got in the van they told us a lady had went up to there school as well questioning and taking pictures of them

Us three oldest girls were scared and worried at this point. What was really going on??

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