Chapter 15

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I was in my feelings all night, I Had Jaiy on my mind heavy. I started catching Hard feelings for that girl, I just couldn't control it anymore.
You could say starting from homecoming night, I fell for Jaiy.



All sunday an today ive been thinkn about how much fun I had with Sherelle. My Girlfriend Neisha saw the picture of us on facebook and asked why we was so close Like we were and I was jus like calm down its just a picture and she is my Bestfriend.

Everyone was asking me in school if me and Sherelle dated just cuz we went to homecoming together. People were so nosy man, but i didnt care she is my Bestfriend. As school went by more and more people just kept asking. I seen Sherelle in the halls and every time I saw her I gave her a hug. Well school ended and me,Sherelle,tayah,lizzy,and some other people were all standing together in a group.

All of a sudden I see Jaz go up to Sherelle tripping. I was wondering like wat the hell she doing? All I heard was "Is it tru Sherelle". And jaz walked away. I didnt know what Was going on but I tell you I didnt like the way she was screaming at Sherelle. Sherelle went over to a brick wall that we all sit on and was very Pissed off and hurt. I hated to see her that way,I really did.

Me: Sherelle wats going on
Sherelle: its all just..
Me: what is it. Tell me im here for you.
As Sherelle was about to tell me my bus came so I had to go. I told her id text her so we could talk. When I walked away she had tears run down her face so I gave her a hug.


Me:Boo wats wrong?
Sherelle:well I kinda made a mistake.
Me:what happen?
Sherelle:well homecoming nighy tayah stayed with me & u kno how i smoked ...well wen we was laying down she was comen on to me so I just kissed her.. but only for a minute,it didnt mean nun.
Me:Dang fr?
Sherelle:yea,I was gonna tell jaz wen I was ready but tayah went back and told her "bestfren" Lyssa. So apparently they told jaz.

I knew Sherelle didnt want to hurt jaz like that and that it didnt mean nothing to her . I didn't want her being all sad, I told her everything will be alright and to keep her head up. Everyone makes mistakes & she cnt put herself down.
Later that day she asked me to go over so I could help her keep things off her mind so like the good friend I am,I went over and conforted her.

I was mad at myself for doing what i did and I was also mad at tayah for opening her mouth. I dont know why I did it, I wasnt attracted to her but she just was saying things & putting herself down.
I knew it was wrong and everything. I was high and just stupid. But luckily I had my Bestfriend Jaiy there to help me through it all. I felt that since that happened with Tayah Jaiy would think differently of me but she didnt.

Jaiy was the one person that I trusted with everything & the one person that was always there for me. I had feelings for her but I didnt let it show since she had a girlfriend and plus I didnt want to ruin our friendship.

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