Chapter 7

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Ughh...why cant I just be happy man!! I thought to myself. I was having big problems with my Gurl Neisha. She wanted a break but didnt want to lose me so I didnt see the point of being together if we both wasn't feeling it. We broke up, I was hurt cus whe was my first love and we been through alot. But i guess shi happens huh??..  

Well the next day Neisha Text me saying she loved me and didnt wanna lose me so we gt bak together. We were on and off, I loved her n she loved me but stuff was difficult for the both of us.

Well about a week passed,me and Neisha had one argument you know how things go..   I needed my best friend around to keep me happy so I  had stayed the night at Sherelle's house  and all we did was watch Netflix and jus chill all day. When we went to sleep she slept on the right side of the bed and I slept on the far left side. I wanted to cuddle with my best friend but she apparently didnt since she slept so far away.
When I woke up the next morning her leg was over me and I just smiled and went bak sleep I was still tired. About and hour or so later I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I was up now, and so was Sherelle . I went into the living room and we watched some tv.
"Buzz" my fone was vibrating and it was my mom. She said she was downstairs and it was time for me to go. I said goodbye to her and she said bye to me.

Jaiy had jus left my house. I wished she would of cuddled with me tho. I wanted to cuddle with her soo bad but I didnt want her be like "nahh", I hate being told no so I just slept on the other side of the bed.
Jaiy was sexy and attractive to me, I just couldn't help but notice how amazing she was.

Not even ten minutes later after I left, we started Texting. She told me she wanted cuddle and I was like foreal? I did to I told her, I had a big smile on ma face.

Over the weekend I asked Sherelle to spend the night with me at my sister Daisy house. She said yes, I was soo happy she was gon stay the night with me.

I was staying the night with Jaiy at her sister house, I was excited about it. We was texting until she came by to pick me and my neice Von up. Before she got there she had asked me how I felt about our friendship, I told her id tell her in person..
Well wen she got there to pick me up she text me and told me
Jaiy-So you gonna tell me
Me-well ill just text you it
Me-Jaiy your an amazing person. You are always there for me when I need someone to talk to. Im very glad I met you. You are the best. You are my boo/bae/everything/bestfriend, im blessed to call you my bestfriend. You are the realest person i ever met.

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