Chapter 11

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Later on that day me and Jaiy went to the park down the road. We were both high as hell. It was Quan, Jaiy , and me in the car just smoken up. After smoking me and Jaiy went to the play ground and sat down on a rock thing they had there. I wanted to take pictures so I asked Jaiy give me her hand and she did. I took a picture of us holding hands, seem like she was scared tho since she had a girlfriend. Then I just took pictures of us together, we looked high as hell man.


Sherelle and I came back from the park, still high as heck. it was Sunday so she had go home since there was school in the morning. I didn't want her to leave,I was having such an amazing time with her. She eased my mind off shit.
We dropped her and Von off, & I told her bye. We went home and I got all my shit together for boren ass school in the Mornin.. I use to like to in elementary but as soon as I hit middle school dat all changed. I was a straight A and B Student. But in middle school I got my first C. My mom chewed my ass for that. I was upset myself. Everything started getting so hard.

High school is just all about drama if you ask me. Girls always got problems with other girls calling them hoes,sluts, and everything you could possibly think of. I stayed to myself I only fucked with Sherelle, betty, and Amberyania but she moved to punta gorda which is like 15-20 minutes away. Other then that I was all to myself. People said I was stuck up and shit but I didn't care. It doesn't bother me any.


Jaiy dropped me off at home. I was bummed though because spending time with her and chilling was great.
We had school in the morning,I really didn't want to go. I never went to any of my classes anyways,I stayed skipping. I didn't really care to be honest, my mom had just passed so I was in one of those states of mind where I didn't care.

The Next Day


I was in third period which was Chemistry class. I hated it, we didn't have a teacher just a sub since they couldn't find a teacher who wanted teach. I asked to use the bathroom but I honestly only wanted get out class. I seen Sherelle in the hall.
"What you doing Sherelle"?
"Nothing just walking around"?
"You better go to class and stop skipping"
"Haha, I'm not skipping man"
"Yea watever"
"Dont be like dat"
I told her not to skip nomore and she said she wouldnt.

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