Chapter 6

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"Click" , I looked over and she took a picture of me and started laughing.
"Nah man delete dat", I told her laughing.
"Nope", she shot back at me.
So I tried taken the phone from her but there was no luck.
To get even I took a picture of her and she didn't like that. She reached over and snatched my phone from me.

I got up and started wrestling her for my phone back. She scooted towards the corner thinking that would help.
I chased her into the corner of the couch and I got between her legs to get a better grip of her arms.

I saw her glance up at me and I knew she felt something so I moved from that position because I didn't want that feeling to lead to anything. I had my girl friend
Finally I got my phone back, but she had left her soda by the couch and when I stepped it spilt all over my white chucks.

"Oh shit", I said.
" what happened"?, sherelle said.
" My shoes", I said laughing .
"I'm sorry ", she apologized.
She took my shoe off my foot and tried to clean it. Most of the soda came off but it was still notable.

I wasn't mad, I really didn't care at the moment since we were just playing around. I blamed her at the moment though , and she said it was my fault. We sat there blaming each other for five minutes and finally I was just like whatever.

Within Thirty minutes my mom had came for me. She was telling me how kylee was asking for me. I got sad because I love her and staying away from her was just hurtful. I didnt wanna get blamed for sumtin I didn't do ,or never would do.
I walked into the house, and went straight to my bedroom. I stayed in there and didn't want to be bothered by anyone at all. My uncle and mom would come in and check in on me. I was really depressed.

The next day I went over to Sherelles house again. I went to her house everyday after school. I never wanted be home around everyone.  My mom asked me why I was going over there so much and I was like man mom its not even like that she just a good fren and keeps me busy and my mind off the Kylee situation.

I knew my mom thought I liked Sherelle but at that moment I didnt. I had Neisha and plus we were frenz nothing more.

Jaiy had been coming over more and more. We just hung out, and smoked. We were starting to get closer and closer . I aint gon lie I thought she was cute and kinda sorta liked her but i aint tell her that cus she has a girlfriend.

The other day when she was fighting me for her fone I was going to try her and kiss her, I didnt care about my girlfriend we always argued. But the only thing that stopped me was her girlfriend.

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