S1: I. The Hargreeves

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Chapter 1: Meeting the Family

She grabs the last book from her cart, placing it back to its rightful shelf. She was finally done for the night after working all day, she knew there were better jobs that can be easier and can be paid higher, but she just can't let go of this one. This "she" is Delilah Miller. A high school graduate, moved to start a new life. But things weren't how she planned, of course. 

Delilah checked every single aisle and circled around the library one last time before locking up, hiding the key to its secret place; under the owner's favorite plant. It was just another regular night for everyone, most of them asleep in the comfort of their own home. Delilah was on her way to the doughnut shop to get a cup of coffee at ten o'clock. She was tired due to working all day, and needed a pick-me-up, thinking of getting a well deserved jelly doughnut as well if there was any more since it was late.

She comes in to see a man wearing a cap and jacket, beside him was a teenager. Delilah assumed this was the man's son, since they were next to each other. She sat down beside the boy, turned her head to get a quick look of the two. They didn't seem familiar to her, she wondered where they lived around here or if they even lived here.

"Hey Delilah, good to see you, do you want the usual coffee?" The sweet lady behind the counter smiles at her, making her thoughts go away. She smiles back and nods her head, keeping her politeness.

She felt an awkward silence, causing her anxiety to show. She placed her hands on the table and looked around, the menu the same as it was since she first came here, the orders on pieces of paper, pinned to a wire. As her eyes shifted to the two men beside her, she saw the cup the boy was holding. It was coffee, she could tell that it was black from her perspective.

The lady handed Delilah her coffee, always smiling as she served so Delilah always smiles back to thank her. She blows on her coffee, holding it with both hands. A couple of sips in, the older man stood up, grabbing his newspaper and started to leave without the boy. Delilah immediately got that the old man was a hundred percent not his father.

After finishing the cup of coffee, Delilah pays like usual and asks for a jelly doughnut to go. She wanted to sit at her apartment instead as she read the book, "Little Women" she hasn't finished back at home. She got her change and her doughnut and left the shop after thanking the lady.

As Delilah walked almost a block away already, she realized that she had left her handkerchief beside the boy. She must've left it after she used it, she loved the handkerchief and it held a memory since it was said to have belonged to her mother.

She quickly walked back over to the shop, almost running. She hoped that it was still in there, overthinking if the boy took it with him but thought of why he would. Thoughts flew into her mind, the more she thought about it, the more ridiculous it sounded. She arrives in front of the shop, trying to breathe but everything seems to not matter as she sees the boy surrounded by men in black. Delilah stares from outside in confusion, squinting to see better.

She started looking for anyone who could help, but there was no one in sight, not a car driving by. An idea of hers was to rush in there to help, but with what weapon and with what skill? Her thoughts stop as she hears multiple gunshots coming from inside. As she looked closer, she noticed something abnormal. The boy- he was teleporting around, on behind to the side of the men and even on top of them. Delilah was stunned, scared but her feet felt so heavy. She couldn't move, she struggles to let out any noise from her mouth as well.

Delilah turns around again, checking her surroundings. She tries to get her breathing back to normal, but deep exhales continue and she felt like she was gonna faint any minute. The boy appears out of nowhere and this caught her off guard. She yelled as their eyes met, she felt scared and wanted to run or slap him, anything. But all she could do was stare at those eyes, but the boy snapped his finger to grab Delilah's attention.

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