S1: V. The Plan

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Chapter 5: The Plan to Save the World

As Delilah awoke from her sleep, she could hear talking beside her, so she kept her eyes closed to show that she's still asleep, wanting to listen into the conversation. She noticed that she was laying on the couch, feeling that someone was beside her.

She hears Luther speak in front of her. "Maybe you can find the owner with the serial number."

"No, that's a dead end." Five scoffs from the other end of the couch, sounding upset with himself. "It's just another hunk of glass." He added as the door flew open, Delilah couldn't help but wince.

"SHH." The two hushed the person who entered the door, she figured that it was Diego and something happened.

Diego stomps angrily down the steps, marching towards Five. "You piece of shit." He hissed. "Do you have any idea on what you just did?" Not caring about dearest Delilah on the couch. She could hear struggling and grunting by Diego but it seemed that not much was happening.

"Stop-" Luther tries to restrain him.

Diego's grunting only got louder. "No, let- go!" He tried to shout out quietly as he restrained. "Get your ape hands off me!"

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down."

As Diego agrees, Luther sighs. "Now.. Do you want to tell us what in the hell you are talking about? Quietly." Luther asked as he pointed at Delilah.

"Well, our brother here has been pretty busy since he got back." Diego angrily stated. "He was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then at an apartment somewhere in the city, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy, looking for him." Diego explained, stopping himself.

"None of which is any of your concern." Five said, with no emotion in his tone.
You can hear pushing. "It is now, they just killed my friend."

"They work for my employer. The Handler. They were sent to stop, well.. me." He sighed. "Then, as soon as Diego's little friend here got in the way, well.. fair game." Five explained.

"Well now they're my fair game. And I'm gonna see to it they pay."

Five scoffed at the simpleton. "That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people much more dangerous than you."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Diego huffed angrily and she hears him barging out of the room, leaving the three with an awkward silence in the boiler room air. After a minute, Luther finally spoke.

"Formal Employer? What's this really about?" He asks. "And don't give me anymore 'it's none of your business' crap" He added, firmly.

"Well, it's a long story.." Five looked down and shared his story about how he killed people back then, those who messed up the timeline. As he finished the story, you can hear the pain under his low voice, he was upset.

"So.. you were a hit man?" Luther asked as Delilah smells something familiar.

"I mean.. you had a code, right?" Luther asked him again, he was still trying to understand everything Five said. "You didn't just kill anybody."

"No code." Five just answered. "We took out anyone who messed with the timeline."

"What about innocent people?"
"It was the only way I could get back here," he answered.

"But that's murder?" Luther said, it sounded like he was mad at Five, but confused as well.

"Jesus, Luther, grow up. We're not kids anymore." Five exclaims. "There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people, going about their lives." He sighs then he looks down. "But when the world ends, and all those people die, including our family. Time changes everything." he added.

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