S1: IV. The Dilemma

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Chapter 4: Trouble in the Academy

    As her eyes go back to the same paragraph she's read twice already, she noticed that she had to put the book that she was holding down. After Five left her in his room, Delilah tried to find ways to distract herself. Play catch by herself, try to do a cartwheel, suffer 15 minutes since she fell down trying to do a cartwheel, cried, then saw a book with pretty colors in its cover.

    She placed the book back to the shelf it was sitting before, her body winces as her ears hear the sounds of gunshots. Standing up, her first thought was who shot and who got shot. So she leaves the room, down to the living room.

    As she peeks, she sees Diego, with a man very familiar. She looks to the left, seeing another one. They were both wearing cartoon masks of some sort, the other holding a rifle. She hid immediately, trying not to get the attention of the two.

    Luther and Allison rushed in, helping Diego get away from the man. Delilah hesitated, not knowing if she should stay in her hiding place or help.

That's when she sees Vanya entering the house, she immediately runs up to her.

    "Hi, are you guys alright? What's happening here?" She held both Delilah's arms to get her standing straight. She was confused, worried while Delilah tried to catch her breath.

    She exhaled. "There's- There's people trying to kill us!" Delilah shouts, trying to breathe. She nodded, and we we're gonna head to the front.

"Hello?" Vanya shouts, hoping one of the Hargeeves can hear it. Delilah was almost shaking, panicking inside.

    The big man appears, the girls not expecting him to spawn instead of maybe Luther or Diego. He had a morningstar in his hand, swinging it towards the two.

    He missed, punching Vanya in the chest instead. He turned over to Delilah who tried to run away, slapping her down to the ground. Her cheek turned red, the mark of the man's hand showing.

    Luther shows up, "Hey!" He shouted, grabbing the masked man and threw him across the room. Allison sees Delilah and grabs her away, Vanya nowhere to be seen. The other masked intruder starts shooting everywhere.

    The wound in Delilah's cheek opened, blood coming out of it since it was still a fresh wound. Allsion takes her to the lounge, over to the billiard table.

    "Stay here, okay? Use this." She instructed and gave Delilah a piece of cloth to use on her wound, placing it on top immediately as Allison grabbed a cue stick from the billiard table.

    She tripped the masked woman and lured her away from Delilah. She instead peeks to look, distracting herself from the pain. The woman was hitting Allison with 2 sticks, as she blocked one of them to hit her head, she got hit in the face, causing a wound on her lip.

Diego enters the lounge, "You wanna rumor this psycho?" he smirks at Allison, hiding his worry.

    "No need, this bitch just pissed me off." She wipes the bit of blood from her lip and faces her opponent again.

    The woman backed off a bit, "We just want the boy." she spoke, and that's when it hit Delilah... It was the duo they had fought back in her apartment, they must've thought that Five was here.

    "Oh, well in that case.." Allison tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and started exchanging punches with the woman, mostly avoiding her charges, but she kicked her feet up to make Allison fall to the ground.

    While Delilah was hesitating to help, Diego was beside her, whistling. The woman began attacking him and he grabbed a metal stick.

    Diego was able to block her attacks and Allison got back up, grabbing a small knife from a nearby cheese plate. "Get her."

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