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⚠️swear words⚠️

The blonde and brunette had slept in their bed peacefully. Their bodies collied the brunettes back pushed up against the blondes bare chest. Holding hands with their own breathing in sync.

Light had peered from the blinds shinning onto the couple. It was around ten am precisely...

"Rise and Shine lovebirds!" Someone sang.

Someone started patting on Clays face "I know you can hear me little brother, so wake up we have stuff to do."

Clay moved Logan's hand "Fuck off and let us sleep."

"Uh lets me think about that" Logan said and giggled "No."

"George may I please borrow your husband?" Logan asked.

"Yeah" George mumbled.

"No!" Clay shouted.

"Clayton we have stuff we need to do" Logan said.

"Its Clay."

"Clay stop being lazy and get up" Logan said "You can cuddle with your boo later."

"Cuddle, seriously?" Clay rolled over wiping the tiredness off of his face.

"What?" Logan said "You have a cuddly spot in you, remember all those stuff animals you owned and how you couldn't sleep without them."

"To be honest im not shocked" George said opening his eyes looking at Logan.

"Okay what do you want Logan?" Clay asked "I'm awake now."

"Come on, we have to get ready!" Logan dragged Clay by his arm.

"Logan it is too early to be dragging me around my own house."

"I don't care, George I promise I will return your husband soon!" Logan said.

"Okay" George chuckled.

"Can I at least put a shirt on!" Clay asked.

"No you look handsome and muscular my brother, you're fine!"

3 hours later...

Sapnap grabbed George and they got ready from later on...

"Logan wants me to wear this?" George asked.

"I know, I have to wear it also."

George and Sapnap were gonna be undercover as servers for the night, so this would be exciting. They got dressed and went downstairs.

"Where is everyone?" Sapnap asked.

"No clue" George said.

Sapnap took a glimpse out the window and there was everyone "Found em."

They both went outside and sat on the steps, Clay and Logan were walking outside in suits talking. You had to admit they both looked handsome. Drista ran over to them talking then she was dragging Clay into the house.

"Oop, make away" Sapnap laughed and the two moved off the steps.

George and Sapnap walked into the house and Drista made Clay sit in the chair.

"Drista what are you doing?" Clay asked.

"Just wait" Drista said and she came out with hairspray, a brush, and makeup.

Sapnap and George looked at eachother and started laughing as soon as Drista brought out everything...

"What?" Clay said.

George giggled "Nothing."

"Oh your in for a treat my friend" Sapnap laughed.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked.

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