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⚠️swear words, knifes, blood, death, fire, choking, bomb⚠️

Clay looked at Logan and nodded "You motherfucker, white wine."

He turned around opening his hands, Logan hugged him from behind trying to look the part. He pretended to look the part he sniffled "Im gonna miss you so much my brother."

"It's gonna be so sad with you gone" Logan said sliding a silver blade knife wrapped with cloth into Clays pant pocket.

"Why are you hugging that way?" The guy asked.

"It's how we show brotherly love" Clay said and chuckled.

"Mhm, yeah" Logan said kissing Clays cheek and let him go "You better survive this you son of a bitch."

Clay nodded hopped over towards them "I'm ready to go, if your gonna kill me you might as well make this quick."

His men carried Clay and threw him into the back seat of the car and closed the door. They started the car and started to drive away. Logan turned around and saw George sobbing.

Logan looked at George "He has a plan, he has to come back."

Clay looked at the guys in the front seat and wrapped his arms over the drivers seat choking the guys with the silver chains. The car flew towards the side tripping into a huge pile of heavy rocks.

They watched the car flip upside down, George cried even harder. Logan looked scared for lifetime "Come on Clay get out of that damn car."

Clay got free of his chains but unable to break out of the car "Fuck!"

"There's no breaking free" One of the guys coughed "Were all gonna die anyways."

"What?" Clay said.

"There's a bomb under this car, to send us all into flames" He said "We only and 5 minutes left."

"Well I'll try and break out if I can" Clay tried to kick the roof.

He heard his phone ringing he tried grab it but it didn't work, he heard Logan yelling...

"That's it I'm running over" Logan said taking off his jacket.

"No" Rowan stopped him "You cant."

"He's my brother, and he is gonna die!" Logan yelled "I'll try to help him as much as I can."

"Rowan stay with George, George call my sister" Logan said "I'll get him back."

Logan ran over there shouting Clays name "Logan get out of here!"

Logan got to the floor and found Clay "Oh god Clay."

"No, no go back" Clay said "There's a bomb on this car, there's 5 more minutes left."

"I'm not leaving you."

Clay started to cry "Logan I thought I was ready to die, but im not."

"Logan I don't want to die, not yet!" Clay sobbed "I was trying to be brave-"

"Hey, it's okay" Logan said "You can never too brave."

"I'm gonna get you out" Logan stood up and tore off the car door and held out his hand.

"Okay take my hand."

Logan tried to pull him out but there was no hope  "Wait where's the bomb?"

"U-Under the car" Clay said.

"Okay I'm gonna try and get it" Logan said.

"What?" Clay said the he realized what he was doing "Hey, Hey, Hey, No!"

"Clay for gods sakes shut your fucking mouth before we both blow up into pieces!" Logan yelled.

George looked at Rowan "Did you hear what he just said?"

"George no."

George ran over "I could help!"

The blonde saw George running towards them with he was hanging from his car seat "Logan god damnit."

"What, hey what are you doing George!" Logan yelled looking at the brunette.

George coughed and sniffed from his fever "There's a bomb on the the bottom of the car isn't there?"

"George" Clay moved a bit and winced "Leave, now."

"No Clay, let me help" George said.

"I'm soo gonna kill you after this in the most pleasant married way possible!" Clay yelled.

"Ugh save it for later, let's at least hope you'll survive" George said "If you let me help!"

"Now is there a bomb on the car or not!" George yelled.

"Yes, yes there is" Logan said

George sighed and shook his hands "Okay, um Clay are you such theres no way to get out."

"I'm kinda folded in half, and my hands are in chains" Clay said "And the drivers seat im behind in brown and leaning very far back."

"Do you see a key to get rid of the chains?" George said.

"Actually Clay hold your arms out try and get them out of the car" Logan said laying on his stomach on the dirt.

Clay moved his hands towards Logan "Now what?"

Logan grabbed a hair clip from George's hair and I unlocked the chains "Okay, estimate on time?"

"About 2 minutes, probably not even" Clay said.

"Okay" Logan said "I'm gonna try something Clay."

"What?" Clay said and he saw Logan stand up "No, tell me!"

"Clay your legs are free right now right?" Logan said.

"Yeah" Clay said.

"George go inside and get that axe in the basement" Logan said "Quickly go!"

George ran inside, and Clay started freaking out "Why do you need the axe?"

"I don't" Logan said "I just didn't want him to see you in this condition."

"Logan just leave me die, it's okay" Clay said.

"No, I won't I have a plan but we are gonna have to waste time."

"Logan go there's only a minute left, I'll be okay just tell everyone I love them" Clay said "Please."

"No" Logan said "You'll tell them yourself, hope see you soon brother."

Logan punched Clay across the head and knocked him out "If my plan all goes to shit, I just wanna say..."

"I love you brother."

30 seconds later the bomb had exploded, car pieces everywhere. Ripped bits of clothing mixed in with the grass and dirt when the rest of the car was in flames with the people inside...

989 words :)

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