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⚠️swear words, mention of  hardcore depression and abuse⚠️

Once they got home everyone got changed into regular comfortable clothes for bed time. Clay stepped outside once he was done changing into his clothes. It was nice out he had been without a shirt and dark green checkered pants.

He felt arms wrap around his chest from the back. Clay held one of his hands immediately knowing who it was. George put his head on the blonde.

"One hell of a night, huh?" George said.

"Yeah" Clay chuckled dropping his head "You know, I'm really sorry."

"Hmm?" George said and backed away "What for?"

"You know about what Rowan said about my dad and my-"

George turn him around and covered his mouth with the palm of his hand "Don't."

"I love you, but you shouldn't have to explain yourself. You've been through a lot as it is, why try to explain it to me?"

Clay slowly grabbed George's wrist and removed his hand "George you may know me as Clay, but you don't know me as Clayton."

"And I want to share it with you, all of it" Clay said.

"Are you sure, cause I don't want to make you-"

"George I have never been more sure in my life, I want to do this" Clay said holding both of his hand with a firm grip.

George sighed and nodded "Okay."

"The videotapes I got for my birthday, start with those tomorrow" Clay said "Their video taped journal entries to my life not only that my families."

"You'll find out more and more about my father, my mother, Drista when she was a baby, and even more about Logan."

George nodded, and Clay continued "Then you probably wanna ask your father some questions im sure he knows a shit ton about my high school years through that thick brain of his."

"And if you have any questions ask me, you know I wouldn't lie to you about any of this, not anymore."

"How do you know so much about the video tapes?" George asked "And what's in them?"

"Well I watched them, in my free time when no one was around" Clay said "I eventually binged them, I would never stay curious-"

"I usually finish it until-"

"Until you say it's finished" George said "Yeah, I know."

Clay let out a smile "You deserve to know George, and I've known that since you were a boy in the woods refusing to go with his best friend searching the abandoned woods at nighttime yet you still did anyways."

George smiled back "I guess we kinda have Sapnap to thank for that, imagine if I never went to the woods that night."

"Well, I would've never met you" Clay said lifting his hand to George's cheek.

"Not only that you would probably still be this cold guy slamming person against doors" George said.

They both shared a laugh "So, Clay."

"One of our first memories started on this balcony" George said.

"I remember that vividly, yes" Clay said.

"And we could make another, but it depends" George said "Do you still have one last dance in you even if it's a slow dance?"

"Depends if you'll leave me in the middle of this balcony and still say you can't dance."

George chuckled "No, that George is long gone."

"Then yes I do, I'll do anything only if you here with me" Clay smiled holding out his hand.

George smiled and grabbed his hand, Clay spun him around and kissed his cheek. And they danced, they didn't care if was really slow all that mattered was that they were here together.

As they danced Clay knew what to write for his new journal page, and promised he would copy every word onto his journal afterwards...


Title: Time to Confess

George is gonna find out who I truly am before the fire. All my trauma I had that my family caused. My journey up to the fire that separated my family. I know I will feel relieved once this happens. For the longest time I've been dying to tell him but giving the whole story was impossible, I would be a mess. So I gave out little by little which slowly led to more until I gave up. Give him the video tapes. It was hard and gave a lot of thinking into it, I know I can trust him and that wasn't what scared me. What scared me was myself when I was younger I wouldn't dare go back to that. Even though I feel so close to it even at my happiest I feel like any second now I could just give up and lie in bed awake but not a singular movement. I know that I'm happy but something is dragging me to go back there, and it so close to the key. Logan and Drista will immediately know what it is, but George he won't know anything. So when that time comes I want him to know everything. Cause he'll be the one to pull me back...

So this is why the page after this one will be my last for a while, and it's meant for you and only you George. I know you well enough to know that you'll first be looking here, not cause I'm setting it in the most visible place it's cause I know you. This should draw you to watch the tapes, and you'll find your research there.


1 hour later...

It was late at night. Clay had just finished writing the page and he started to turn the other page...


Dear George,

Probably when you read this I'll be in bed, refusing to get up or just not talking at all. Drista and Logan will know what it is but I want you to also, so watch the tapes for me. But George don't make yourself think that I'm not happy or it's your fault cause it's not. This is my doing. I am so happy and glad I have a family and your here with me, I'm not mad, I'm not sad, but I am scared. I love you so much which is why all you can to do is be there when this ends. I'm still awake, I still feel and hear, but no response. Don't be scared of this, it's not like I'm gonna be dead. I'll just not be 100% the person I am, but you have Logan and Drista. And you'll be the one to get my tough ass out of bed because you're an asshole and always have been. Your an asshole cause you can see me in and out. Your an asshole because you've seen me cry at my worst. Your an asshole cause you made me fall in deep in love with you for years. Your an asshole cause I cant say no to those fucking brown eyes of yours. If you asked me to buy the world for you I would, if you told me to run to mars I would try my hardest to be the first werewolf to mars. And just cause I'm not at my best doesn't mean you get to also, that isn't how it works. That's not how we work. We need the other to bring the other up, and I need you now more than ever. Don't shut anyone out just because I am, I expect you to be here with me when I'm done. So don't you fucking dare give up on me.


Clay shed a tear and looked at sleeping George "Don't you fucking dare give up on me now George, cause tomorrow I'm gonna need you."

Clay was crying silently looking at George, he wiped his tears and kept the pen in the page before George's note. He sat it down on George's nightstand and got ready for bed. The blonde looked at George kissed his head "I love you, and if I can help you through anything you can help me in return."

The wolf laid down in bed and turned to the opposite side of George and he looked out the window and shed another tear...

And he closed his eyes...

1370 words :)))

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