The Bathrooms

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Draco felt like a Princess in his own Disney movie. He felt like he had just been scolded by an evil parent and now he was running to throw himself onto the nearest surface.

That's how dramatic he felt.

But he couldn't help it.

Blaise Zabini, the father of his unborn child, the person Draco thought he could trust, the person who had supported him the most—

Turned out to be an asshole.

It didn't matter if he had stopped insulting Draco.

The mere thought of Blaise laughing along with his friends while insulting Draco was enough to make a grown— or in Draco's case, pregnant— man cry.

Instead of a solid surface, Draco ran to the nearest bathroom. His stomach churned uncomfortably. He made it to a stall in time to crouch and expel the undigested food of his lunch.

He wreched and gagged heavily, barely breathing through his nose. He felt suffocated in his own body. He felt weak and gross.

With the feeling of no one by his side, he realised how disgusting his situation was. He was a pregnant man... What was wrong with his anatomy? What went wrong? Why him?

Draco looked down at his belly with sadness.

And unfiltered hate.

"Draco? Are you in here?" A voice called out.

Draco's gags halted, only heavy breathing could be heard in the room.


"Draco, are you sick? Is it... or is it—"

"I don't know..."

"Come on, when you feel stable enough, join me outside the bathroom."


"Pansy's outside the bathroom, no matter how much she fought, she wasn't able to get into the boys toilets. You should of heard what she called Mr Flitwick!"


"She called him a 'Dwarfed ogre' and asked where 'the gold was at the end of the rainbow.' She may have gotten Ogre and Leprechaun confused though."

An audible gargled laugh could be heard inside the stall. Pansy's outraged outbursts never failed to humor Draco despite the situation.

"That's our Pansy, all right. Of course, she's got Internal Exclusion tomorrow. Stuck in detention all day."

"That's my bad." Draco spoke, only sounding partially apologetic. He knew it was his fault for Pansy's exclusion but we're talking about Draco Malfoy. Would he really admit something wholeheartedly like that?

"Come out, Draco."

Draco spat into the toilet bowl for a little while longer before getting up from his crouched position. His stomach still turned uncomfortably. Draco's brows furrowed and he looked down at his bloated stomach, annoyed.

"Stop it, you!" He chastised.

"What was that?" Theo called out after.


Draco opened the stall door and met Theo's eyes immediately. Theo looked down at Draco with sympathy. Draco looked up at Theo with indifference.

Theo brought out his hand and Draco took it on instinct.

He was led to the sinks to wash his mouth from the acidic tasting of throw up and canteen food. Theo stood closely by him, cautiously looking around the bathroom.

Draco's stomach showed slightly, the reason being that he was already three months and three weeks in pregnancy. It could be seen as a bit of fat, which Draco didn't want to go through. He wore baggy clothes, even though everyone knew that wasn't his style.

Draco straightened up and spat the water in his mouth into the sink. Theo rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Feeling better?"

Draco grumbled in reply.

"Good...Because the Headteacher called you into his office not too long ago."

Draco looked up in alarm. "What? Why didn't you say so before?"

Theo shrugged. "I didn't think that telling you to leave the bathroom to meet the Headteacher is a good calming method."

Draco's heart sped up.

"See?" Theo pointed out. "You're freaking out again."

"This isn't funny."


Draco took a few deep breaths, timing himself. It was a pretty good technique he had learned since he was little. It helped him calm down after tantrums.

He didn't use this technique frequently since he rarely lost his mind. Well, until he got pregnant.

Theo stood by his side, breathing along with him. Draco wouldn't admit it, but Theo's constant support along with Pansy's had helped him alot. Even though he had only told them of his conditions a few days before, they didn't hesitate to help make his journey more bearable.

He would forever be grateful for that.

"Do you know why Mr Dumbledore called me in."

"As soon as you left, he popped out of nowhere and called you and Zabini in. Apparently he had been there the whole time... he's so..."

"Weird? Yeah... I know."

"It's like he's everywhere."

"And anywhere."

Theo and Draco shuddered in unison thinking of their omnipresent Headteacher. That wasn't what was important right now. He needed to make his way to the Head's office immediately. No matter how hesitant he was because he knew that Blaise would be in that same room.

"You want me to escort you there?"

"Don't you have History with Ms Trelawney in a few minutes?"

Theo smirked. "I would sell my right kidney to skip a lesson of History with Ms Dizzyface."

Draco chuckled quietly. It was a universal agreement between everyone in the school that History with Ms Trelawney was probably the worst time of day. She'd drag the lesson out for longer than it out to have been. She would constantly obsess over the Kings and Queens that had reigned Britain and dance around the classroom when talking about the forever fued of France and Britain. It wasn't as if History was a bad subject. Draco personally enjoyed the subjects. It was the insane, and should probably be put in an asylum, person teaching it.

"Point taken." Draco finally sighed out. "Let's go."

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