Gaara x reader [Rebound]

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For the continuation of Neji x reader, Gaara x reader [Trash] I have renamed it Rebound! I hope it's enjoyed! ^^


Ever since the day you returned Gaara's bookbag you had been anticipating whether or not you'd have another accidental meet up, this time with it being planned. You were too nervous to actually go up to him to start a conversation and get to know one another, afraid that maybe Gaara would ignore you or not acknowledge you. Afraid that maybe that whole Gaara situation was a one time thing.

I mean, it's not every day that you met up with the president of the school council.

Late on a Friday morning would probably be one of the best things that could ever happen to you, but in this case it wasn't exactly the best. You woke up with a fright once you realised that alarm clock did not go off as you had set it, but it was more of you slept through that alarm that buzzed off six times and your roommate didn't give a shit to wake you up.

You jumped up of bed terrified that you'd get a penalty, cause this was your second late class, and you jumped into the shower scrubbing your skin until it felt bruised. You jumped out the bathroom then, almost slipping and hitting your head as you ran to your room and threw open your suitcase of clothes you still hadn't emptied out.

"No no no y/n! It's been two months! Why can't you get your shit together?!" You scolded yourself. You grabbed a dress and yanked that on, then you wore your night slippers and grabbed a beanie, since it was too late to do your hair. You brushed your teeth quick, ordering an (enter drink) from the robot machine assigned to your room. Once you were done with your teeth you grabbed your drink, grabbed your bookbag and ran out your room.

Down the hallway of school you sped, and you were the only footsteps heard which made this whole rush more embarassing. When you approached the auditorium for the class you heard a strange teacher's voice instead of your usual lecture. Peeping your head in the talking ceased and everyone stared at you. "Oh, Ms. L/n! Glad you could join us.."

A few people laughed and you bowed to Gaara nervously. You quickly took your seat and hid your face although Gaara couldn't keep his eyes off you, literally. His eyes followed you everywhere, not that you noticed or anything. After your class Gaara gave a reminder you had missed that morning, "Mr. Fugikawa will not be able to make it for classes tomorrow either so I will be teaching as well."

When you were trying to escape Gaaa called out your name. "Y/n!" You gasped and paused, "yesss?" "We should grab some pastries!" His bold offer made you blush. "Oh! U-um.." quickly Gaara's face turned the color of his hair, and he lost all confidence. "I didn't mean it like that ..I didn't want to be forceful.." "No! No, you weren't forceful!"

The two of you just stood there and stuttered like a couple of love-sick idiots. There was a very awkward silence before Gaara opened the door for you and shared an awkward smile to not seem harmful. "P-pastries?.." he whispered shyly. You nodded, smiling at him and walking out.

Gaara walked behind you placing his hands by his side as you went to the cafeteria. "Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" Gaara asked. He shook his head, "no wait. Sorry, I'll go first. My name is Gaara of the Desert, I'm the Kazekage of this village and I'm a part time student. What about you? Where did you come from? What's your name?"

"I'm y/n L/n, as you know but I guess the first formal alone introductions are nice! I'm a full time student here and I'm from Konohagakure! I've heard of you before in classes!" "I hope good things.." Gaara glumly said. "Yes, of course? Why would you hope good things?"

"I've had a very troubled childhood, sorry for my depressing nature…" "no it's okay! I-I mean I escaped my home because it was depressing, see? We're not that much different!" "You don't know the half of it." Gaara told you with a small smile.

As you say to get pastries Gaara ordered for you, and he payed for everything as well. While talking some more you grew to find out Gaara's favourite past time activity, and that was going out to the village and protecting his people. He explained that he strived to protect the ones he loved, and to protect the ones that the ones he loved also loved.

"Wow, your motives are impressive." Gaara nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "What Is there anything you strive to achieve." You paused mid eating and leaned back in the chair. Your goal was to escape Neji Hyūga, and you did.

That was a W.

Gaara smiled at the way you went silent all of a sudden, because he liked the way you looked when focused.

"Y/n, I admire you, and I want to take you out on a date." Gaara said straight up, "I have been thinking of you from the very first day we've met." You thought back on all the shit Neji had put you through, and Naruto wasn't any worse. "Okay, sure. I just hope you're nothing like my ex!~" you joked to him, but inside you were being dead serious.

And this was the beginning to a powerful relationship....

[Two years later...]

"Fight! Fight! Fight!!"
"You get your damn hands off my woman!!"

To be continued...

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