Neji x punk! reader [I Ain't Yo Gurl]

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Y'all said yah wanted more Neji x reader right? Here yah go!

"I'm sure she's a nice person." Kiba muttered. "No!" Naruto sobbed out. "She's crazy! So crazy!" He shivered and looked into the eyes of his friends. There was a new person in Konoha, and Naruto just so happened to meet them first, or more like you.

When he first met you, he smiled and shook your hand. You hated having your hands touched, especially by strangers. So out of anger you began to repeatedly beat the hell out of the poor Uzumaki. "S-she's a punk!" Naruto cried out.

"Hey!" Yelled Sakura. "You're one to talk! You don't go around calling people names when you hardly know them. You must have done the girl something!" As if summoned, you came passing by. Hands in your pockets and scowling at everything you saw wondering why your parents left wonderful old Kumo to come to this dump!

"Oi! Are you the new girl?!" Yelled Ino. You turned and glared their way. "Yeah, why do you care?!" Neji walks forward. "I don't think it nice of you to spread your negativity in my home." You stopped walking and turned fully facing Neji.

"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what I can and can​​​​not do? Huh?" "I am Neji Hyūga." Neji introduced himself. "Y/n." Neji rolls his eyes, walking closer. "You think you're so cool huh?" You glared at him walking closer to him until your chest touched his.

"What do you have a problem?" You asked him. Out of no where Lee came running. He bumped into Neji, and Neji fell on top of you. Your lips connected. Sakura yanks Lee off and yells at him, "watch it Lee, look what you did!"

Blushing, Neji raised himself off of you, looking away from your e/c eyes. You ran backwards, pointing at the brown haired Hyūga. "I ain't yo gurl! How you gonna kiss on me like that! That's wrong! I've been molested!" Neji blushed even more, "w-wait no I didn't!" You didn't stay to hear it and ran off, Neji running behind you.

Naruto One-shots [BOOK TWO]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя