Kushina x Male! Reader [Pain & Passion]

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"Things sort of went down hill." I told my therapist. She nods, allowing me to go on. "Well, we met in Amegakure. I know, risky going there but hey. It isn't as bad a village, noting how dead it was. I was on an S-ranked mission, being part of the Anbu Black Ops, and she was on a B ranked mission. She got captured and I saved her. You can call it, love at first sight."

An hour later, and I'm out of there. My hands in my pocket and hood over my head. I couldn't stand people seeing my face, now that I'm all over their biggest gossip. The good thing is, my identity may be revealed but at least no one knows about my occupation.

Until the tension ceases, I'm on low profile.

I entered my home soon enough, locking the door behind me. The worst thing about being here alone, is the fact that she wasn't there to greet me. I sigh, sitting on the couch and running a hand through my hair. "Good job y/n, you scared her."

Kushina and I were tight, then one day things just got dull. She pissed me off and I snapped, then she left me for good. I remember begging her back, on my knees! On my knees I was for that red head, but she just pushed me away. Then she started behaving strange, like. Like she didn't know me.


"Y/n!" He turned, staring at the red head female with a bright smile. "Hey, Kushina." Kushina Uzumaki wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his shoulder, taking in his addicting smell. "I missed you baby." "You did? I missed you too." He lifts her by the chin, kissing her lips deeply. Instantly Kushina kisses back, she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him in closer.

The air around them seemed to get hotter, or was it them? A deep blush came to her lips, as he lay her down, hovering over her body. "How long's it been?~" She moaned out. "It's been three weeks, sorry I took so long. The mission was difficult~" Y/n dives down, attacking her neck. Pleasured, Kushina arched her back, gasping and tilting her neck.

His hands roamed her body, grouping one of her boobs, then slowly sliding down her belly to her pants. "Y/n~" "louder~" he whispered in her ear. His hot breath on her neck, her hair tickling his face. "Y/n!~" "I can't hear you, Kushina~" he pants out. Lust filling his eyes. He couldn't stand it, the pressure of being so close to such a hot woman. All his. No one else's.

"Kushina, are you okay?!" The blue eyed woman jumped out of her bed, a hand on her chest and sweat rolling down her face. She was a blushing mess and started hating herself. 'That dream, again?! What's wrong with me? We were over months ago!' She looks to her left, smiling lovingly at her fiancé.

"I'm fine, Minato." "You sure? You were acting pretty strange, I thought you were in pain. You were moaning in your sleep." Her face just got redder, matching the colour of her hair. Minato Namikaze chuckled, wrapping his arm around her as they lay down together. "Let's just sleep." Kushina agreed, pretending to sleep as she stared at the window. For a while, she thought she saw his eyes. His deep e/c eyes, so full of that emotion she so yearned to come from him, yet she didn't even want him back in her life.

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