Chapter 1 - The Empress' Descent

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Story by aoiYuki

Art by Morasan

I noticed their presence outside my chambers even before they deigned to announce themselves.

I had been sharpening my dagger, pouring a potion onto it to aid the process. Magic was a rare commodity these days. But not to me. Never to me.

Like a quill dipped in ink, the tip of the dagger absorbed the glimmering liquid. I held it up to behold it in its deadly yet elegant glory. At the exact same time the light glinted on the blade's edges, the doors of my chambers banged open without warning.

I turned and threw the dagger, my nightgown fluttering against the evening breeze coming in from the window. The blade found its mark on a man's chest, buried until the jeweled hilt. All this happened in a second.

The man seemed to struggle registering how the dagger had found itself into him, as did his other two companions at his sides. The man in the middle fell on his knees, and then his face landed on the floor. Dead.

"Who dares to enter the chambers of the Empress without knocking? I hope you were made aware of what this treacherous act will cost you before walking in."

They did not answer me, these men who were clad in all black garments. Their faces were covered with the same color of clothing, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

The two left had already recovered from the shock, getting into their fighting stances. Prepared and wary, a sword in each hand.

'Assassins,' I thought to myself, 'but what kind of proper assassins announce their arrival and make a grand entrance? Amateurs, for sure.'

I merely tilted my head and laughed. "Who let you in?"

Later, I'd have to have some words with the lousy guards who had allowed these lousier assassins to roam around the palace. I just need to deal with these pests first. Moreover, who the hell thought I'd be this easy to take on? Assassins, really?

There wasn't a single word from the intruders. Only the sharp inhaling of breath as one lurched for me.

I quickly sidestepped, light and graceful as a pouncing feline. My cropped dark-blue hair swept my chin, the night air sighing on my nape.

"First you barge into my room, disturb my solace and now you refuse to speak?" I clicked my tongue, and stopped beside my armor stand where I had placed my weapon, relishing the sound as I unsheathed my sword. "Or... someone cut your tongue?"

Irritation sparked within me as my question was met with silence. Again, the men did not do so much as nod. Now, both were coming at me.

The clashing and clanging of steels against one another rang through the four corners of my bedroom.

I was skilled in combat and swordplay, having been drilled with fighting techniques since the day I'd learned to walk. In this field, I was a cut above many others.

I, Solaria's Empress, was worth a thousand average soldiers, a warrior queen with years of experience on the battlefield.

But what if I were facing two enemies who were each worth five hundred soldiers?

I saw it now. These men were not merely amateurs. Like me, they did not make clumsy movements. Every strike and parry calculated, not a moment wasted.

"Hmph! Not bad."

I had said that but I was finding it harder to land a blow every time a minute passed. Although this wasn't something I couldn't take. Of course, I'd fought greater foes before.

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