Chapter 33 - The Scarlet Skulls

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I surveyed the proximity while being wrapped in the shadows of nearby establishments.

The gangster's den had been quite difficult to pinpoint in the cluster of buildings and rickety houses, the air heavy with salt and mud and piss wherever I wound through. Still, I found it.

I almost missed it, their symbol. It was painted at the center of a metal door—a large skull adorned with red roses on the crown, and below the jawbone was a depiction of a worn scroll carrying the gang name.

It appeared to be some kind of another apartment building with three storeys, albeit more spacious and polished. Heavily-built gangsters wandered in the vicinity, geared with holsters with various-sized knives that could possibly cut a limb clean.

If there were this many outside, how much more were inside?

Seeing as I was obviously outnumbered, I shouldn't use that entrance to get in. It would be like announcing my arrival outright.

I made up my mind as I covered the lower half of my face with a black silk fabric, tying the ends tight just above my nape. A makeshift mask.

I had to find a way to sneak in.

So here I was, scaling the roof of the building beside the headquarters. I had crawled up here through the water and drainage pipes that were flaky with corrosion. The simple act left me catching my breath.

Believe it or not, during play times when we were kids, Cynthia and Elian were better at climbing roofs than me. Meanwhile, Kazriel was always the seeker. I remembered how the two walked as if they were on solid ground, balancing against the winds. Remembered how my heart lurched watching them even though it was my brilliant idea to hide above the palace and not in.

I blinked, snapped my mind out of the past and dragged it back to the present.

I flattened my belly onto the tiled roof, elbows and legs dragging my body forward soundlessly.

Once I got to the other end, I hoisted myself to a crouch. Common knowledge was that the head of an organization had to be on the topmost floor. I had to hope I was right with this second guess.

I climbed up through the window ledges at the back of the headquarters, almost crashing a potted plant, fingers almost slipping after overestimating a crack in the concrete walls.

I huffed out a breath once I reached the highest floor, sweat beading on my brows. This was bad. Clarisse Lorraine wasn't as athletic as I thought. Already, my shoulders were aching. And I had run out of breath from simply scrambling the wall.

I remained beside the window of my chosen room, my toes tipped on the ledge. A gust of ocean breeze threatened to topple me over from this dizzying height. I lifted my head, refusing to look down.

This particular room was lit the brightest—golden light spilling into the night as if to banish away the murky darkness. It seemed to be the best place to start. If I were lucky enough, the Scarlet Skull's boss would be lounging right across this wall behind me.

I tugged the knot of my makeshift mask to be sure, yanked the fur-lined hood closer to my face and unsheathed two daggers from my belt. Finally, I heaved in three steadying breaths.

I kicked the window open with a loud rattle and hopped onto the wooden floorboard of the room.

I heard a thud and scampering movements. A man wearing glasses had fallen off his chair, wide-eyed and slacken with horror.

When he recollected himself, he threw his arms to the air and whimpered.

"P-please, spare me!" he begged repeatedly.

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