Chapter 7 - The Empress' Sister

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A week and a half since the engagement celebration. I sat in front of the dresser in my silk robes and had just gotten out of the bath. Anya brushed my hair for me and dried it with a towel after.

"Lady, do you think she'll come here again?"

Anya handled my hair carefully, as though every strand were fragile.

I knew who she was talking about.

"Yes, I do. Any moment now."

Her hand paused midair. "Are you not annoyed?"

"Not in the slightest. It is fun to watch."

She was still wearing her usual flat expression, making it hard to know what went on in her mind.

"You are not as sweet and pure as everyone in the palace says you are."

I snickered. "The ladies here are very easy to impress. All it takes are some lovely words of flattery and voila, they come to you like pups begging for more milk."

Anya clicked her tongue. Though I could see the glint of amusement in her chocolate-brown eyes.

For the past few days, I had attended many tea parties and gatherings hosted by the ladies of the court who had high-ranking husbands. My mask had snapped into place and I enjoyed toying with them.

Every empty praise and compliment came out as naturally as breathing. Hungry for validation and appreciation, they instantly began to like me. Already, I had become close with many of the women.

It took little effort, for I knew most of them and I knew which buttons to push. Knowing that I had wrapped my fingers around some people was rather satisfying.

It wasn't as though I did not enjoy their company. In a way, I had fun.

"In short, they are stupid."

I held out a finger. "No, Anya. They are simple-minded."

"What's the difference—"

"Shush, she is coming."

Anya inclined her head to the side, curiosity sparking. "How do you know that?"

I grinned. "Her footsteps are very easy to discern."

She looked at the door as if it would reveal an explanation.

"I can't hear anything." Anya sighed. "Perhaps you have a sharp sense of hearing."

"I just wait and listen."

The door opened and Lady Ruth entered the room.

'See? I told you she would come,' I wanted to tell Anya.

"Lady Ruth." I launched to my feet. Anya stepped back and lowered her head. "What can I do for you?"

It was the fifth time this week. She would arrive here with the same questions.

"Where has Elian been this past week? Have you seen him?"

And then I would give her answers similar to the ones I'd given her the other day. Elian had been playing his part in our devious little plan, and so was I. He would only have to frequently vanish from the palace—which was not that shocking for my brother was prone to leaving for far off lands in search of adventures—while I remained here to fend his mother off. Just like we planned.

"He came by last night."

Her green gaze would light up. She looked lovely as ever, her blonde hair swept in all the right places, her ringlets in their usual places two inches above her breasts. But her worries and stress were wearing her out. I could see it in her face lines.

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