Chapter 6 - The Empress' Sword

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Somehow I found myself leaving the ballroom. I trudged toward the rooms where people would take their rest, among other things.

At times, it was to steal away their forbidden lovers, young nobles who were promised to marry those they did not like. They'd risk these fleeting moments to be together, hearts filled with hope and youth and passion. Of course, they did not last long. Such stories were a favorite within the noble society, tales of tragic love.

It would be safe to say I did not have the time nor the energy to experience it myself. Like others, I was a mere spectator letting the scenes unravel all around me.

I allowed my feet to lead me to the same path, the same dimly-lit corridor. To the chamber where I had loved to escape to whenever I got tired of entertaining my subjects.

Specifically, I came here to breathe. Literally. The crowd who had suddenly become eager to know Clarisse Lorraine's personal life and the tiresome dancing was suffocating enough, but those were nothing to the tightness of the corset that seemed to crush my ribs. In my mind, I was scolding Anya. I shouldn't have let that girl do whatever she wanted.

The small room had purple couches situated in the middle. It had its own hearth for when it was winter. But it was spring and no fire was lit. Shadows enveloped the entire space and I did not bother to turn on the lamp. I could loosen the laces here, allow myself to get through the night with a whole rib cage.

Just as I was about to reach for the knot Anya had tied, the curtains flapped open. The lights from the hallway creeped inside. But not far enough to reach me.

He called me by my name.

I turned and the ground seemed to wobble, the ceiling seemed to come crashing down and I felt as though the walls had closed in on me. My arms dropped to the sides.

His hair, sleek and black like coal. His sharp eyes were a twinkling violet, while a thin scar ran vertically along his chiseled jawline. He stood below the chandelier outside and the glow made his skin resemble polished bronze. He was exactly as I remembered him, tall and lean, his muscled arms brought about by the years of fighting in the war beside me. His broad shoulders were stiff from shock.

I too had frozen like a block of ice, my lips slightly parted. It took me several seconds to recollect myself, to realize my mistake.

"Empress?" he had called. And I answered.

It was a stupid habit. One word from Derek and I would lift my head, stop whatever I had been doing. But that was in the past. I became rather complacent here. I let myself slip. I could salvage this, feign ignorance.

He still looked surprised. And I knew why.

I walked out of the darkness and revealed myself to him. "Hello, how may I help you?"

A shift in his violet pools. They calmed, then darkened and he was himself once more. Reality had returned to him.

He clenched his jaw. "I... I thought you were someone else."

My throat constricted. Was there hope in him that his Empress could still possibly be alive?

Derek was not there when I needed him most. Although I remembered telling him I didn't rely on anyone but myself. The fault lay solely on me. It did not matter to me where he was or what he was up to that night. When death came to claim me, he was the only one I thought of. Perhaps I wanted to curse him. I wouldn't know.

And I wouldn't think more of it.

"Oh? Is it someone I know?"

His gaze lingered on me, intense and skeptical. The way I said it must have given me away, for he replied to my question with another question.

"Tell me, woman. Why do you look like her?" He demanded, his voice low and deep.

This was Derek. Rough and blunt. He liked to charge head first. For a reason though. He was aware of his strength. And it was this sheer strength that earned him his title as Duke and, as everyone called him, the Empress' Sword.

"Like who?"

"Athelina, my Empress, my Queen. Why is it that you have the same features as her?"

He spoke with such reverence and admiration as he uttered my name. I thought I was back in the old days, slaying enemies with him.

My mouth curled upward. "I am proud to say I come from the same tree as Empress Athelina."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means we are related, my family and hers. Many have told me we look alike. Your words are not new to me." I headed for the hallway. "I presume you are satisfied. I must go now."

He grabbed my wrist. I was forced to face him one more time.

"Your name."

Derek was not a noble at birth. I had long given up on teaching him the proper manners. He said he wanted to be himself. It was fine. He never acted like a savage anyway. He was a gentleman in his own way. I hadn't seen him with other women as he was always with me and there were scarcely any girls in the battlefield. Now I know he did not have any idea how to handle them.

I sighed and mustered up a stern expression. "I am Clarisse Lorraine, daughter of a viscount. I am also Prince Elian's fiancée. Have you not heard the announcement earlier?"

He shook his head. "I only arrived minutes ago."

And you came here directly?

His grip was yet to be removed, as though he had forgotten he was holding me.

"I see. If you are done questioning me, you can let go. It is scandalous to think of two people being alone together in a dark room, more so when one of them is already engaged to someone else. My family has only risen back up, I do not want a tarnished reputation to be the cause of our forever downfall."

He yanked his hand from me, as if he had been burned. "Forgive me. You don't have to worry about being seen. This chamber is hidden at the back of other chambers so there's hardly anyone who passes by. It's the reason why Empress Athelina favors this as a place to escape to. The two of us were the only ones who knew about this place. That's why—"

"That's why you thought I was her."

"Yes. It was dark also. I could only make out the color of your hair and eyes through the faint light from the hallway."

Damn it. I was close to being caught for something so pathetic.

"Then I will pretend this didn't happen. Good evening."

I whirled, one foot across the threshold when he said,

"Wait. You've given me your name but I haven't told you mine."

Had he misunderstood? I told him I was engaged.

I didn't turn back. "It's all right."

"No, it won't be fair."

"It is too late for introductions. Besides, I already know you, Your Grace."


I shrugged. "Everybody knows the Empress' Sword. I really must go. Goodbye."

Without waiting for his reply, I stalked back to the ballroom. They had stopped dancing.

"Clary, darling, there you are!"

I was startled to see Lady Ruth appear out of nowhere. She grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the center. Everyone's eyes were expectant as they stared.

"My lady, is something wrong?" I whispered.

Lady Ruth giggled. "No, dear. Everything is perfect. Don't ask, you will know once we get there."

Standing a distance away was Elian, fidgeting in the center of the dance floor. He had his arms behind him, his eyes trained at his feet.

She shoved me to him and I saw that every single soul had surrounded us.

"What is this?" I murmured.

"I am sorry. It was Mother's idea."

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