Chapter 37 - Confrontation

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I knew a threat when I heard one. The Grand General was aware at last of what was happening under his nose. He was making his move to stop me. If he thought I'd simply stand down from these subtle threats of his, then he was dead wrong. Should I be honored that he came to confront me himself?

I set the teacup back to its saucer and smiled. "I appreciate your concern, my lord. I hardly believe I deserve it at all."

He seemed relieved. "No, dearest. Take it as friendly advice from me. I would not want to see such a bright young woman leave the palace so soon after she just arrived."

Indeed, if I wanted to stay and stop Ethan from wreaking havoc in Solaria I had to keep this engagement with Elian. I must have a thread—more like a rope that would keep me bound to the palace. My plans, my goals had changed. I needed that engagement now more than ever. Luckily, Lady Ruth remained hopeful that his son and I would get married.

I had to talk to Elian, tell him our little scheme must be put to a stop temporarily. Without him, I would not be able to live here any longer. We'd still find a way to postpone the engagement somehow.

"But my lord, there's a part where you are wrong." I put on a sheepish grin.

His wary eyes flicked to me. "Do tell."

"I have my utmost focus and attention right exactly where I want them to be—at the important matters." I lifted my chin. "So rest easy, my lord. I will wait until the Emperor is not 'busy'."

Ethan did not bother to hide his frown. "I tried to ask kindly but I fear you are getting into His Highness' head, girl. That is why from now on, I forbid you from meeting him. He's got his own advisers, he has no use for a mere court lady's suggestions."

I tilted my head and slid a mask of bewilderment. "If my suggestions are of benefit to Solaria then where is the harm in that? Because of me the economy has improved greatly, raid-stricken borders are receiving subsidies, trade routes are reopened and many more."

I had to be careful. It seemed as though he did not discover the Wraiths' existence yet. If he had, he'd already mentioned it.

He put his elbow on the table, leaning in. "Yes, you have done better than I can give you credit for. Although as you see, they may benefit Solaria but they don't benefit me whatsoever. You, girl, are a hindrance to me."

I see, he'd finally dropped his pretense. This was more entertaining than I thought.

"Oh. So this has been about you all along, hasn't it? For your personal gains. For you to hog Solaria's funds and feed them to the corrupt officials. That way, you can keep them in tow."

One corner of his mouth twitched. "I'd be careful in choosing my words if I were you."

He didn't even deny it.

The thought made me laugh. "Or what? You will eliminate me?"

"I can do it, but I won't." His fist balled on the tabletop. "Can't you see? I am giving you a choice."

"Ah. But what would happen if the Prince's fiancée mysteriously disappears? Everyone will assume there's a conspiracy within the palace— if they hadn't thought of it by now. That's the last thing you would want, I think."

"There are other ways to get rid of you, dear girl." He smirked. "You are not the first to oppose me like this. There have been others, yet where are they now? Twenty feet beneath the soil, gobbled up by maggots."

I gritted my teeth. This bastard killed me just so he could have his chance at power. I would not let him do that again. Oh no, I would be that stubborn stain he can never wipe off his plate.

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