Part 1

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Welcome to my first story 'Unknown' I don t have a name for this story so please leave comments with name ideas. like I said this is the first time I  am sharing my work online so please be nice.

end A/N

2012 (8 years ago)

"No, I don't think we have any other choice, we have to move!" exclaimed a distraught mother to her daughter's father.

"Margaret this is where we both grew up right here in New york. We both agreed that we want Alexis to grow up here. Hell, I would get another job just to see her grow up here!" said Alexis's father.

"James, we have no other choice!" exclaimed Margaret once more with tears in her eyes.

The married couple were interrupted by a loud thud from upstairs. The married couple looked at each other before Margret started to speak. "You can go and tell her that we will be moving" said Margret as she walked into the bathroom.

James sighed as he got up and walked up stairs and into his daughter's room. "How much did you hear?" asked James as he sat at the foot of Alexis' bed. James took a quick look around the medium sized bedroom and his eyes landed on the vent that his daughter was listening to the conversation by.

"I don't want to leave dad" replied the 7 year old Alexis as she brushed away her red hair.

James looked down before responding "I know baby but the place where we are moving to will be better then here" said James although he knew it was a lie.

The 2 sat in a peaceful silence for 5 minutes but were interrupted when a creature with blue eyes and red skin came bursting through the window landing right on top of James and stabbing him through the heart with his arm. Alexis screamed her head off from watching her dad die right in front of her. The creature locked eyes with Alexis and started to rush over to the 7 year old girl but dropped dead with an arrow in his chest at Alexis's feet. The 7 year old took the chance and ran out of her room and down the stairs to find her mom.

"Alexis!" screamed Margret as she wrapped her daughter in a bone crushing hug.

"Mom!" replied Alexis as she broke down crying in her mother's arms.

"We have to go," said Margret as she let her daughter go and ran out of the small apartment complex leaving her daughter in the middle of the living room.

Alext looked around the living room when there was a big boom and the wall exploded making a big hole, allowing Alexis to look over the damage from the creature's. As the 7 year old stands in the middle of the living room looking out to New York all she sees is a bunch of fire and explosions happening all around. The 7 year old notices another creature flying towards her but then it explodes. Alexis looks around and spots a man on top of a building not too far away with a bow and arrow fighting off a bunch of creatures. Alexis stares at the man in aw. The last thing that Alexis see's is a glowing blue rock flying at her then darkness.

Present day

Alexis pov

I woke up with a scream from the nightmare of the day when my so-called parents were killed. I remember I was so sad until I figured out that they weren't my real parents. I found out about 3 years ago that my real parents are Natasha Romanoff and Tony stark. Crazy right, two of the most known people in the world are my parents yet they didn't raise me.

I decided to look over at my clock which read 4:30 am. I sighed and got out of bed. I decided to go on a walk after I changed into a pair of loose sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. I walked off from my little apartment enjoying the night's breeze as I walked to the park about a mile away from my apartment.

I finally arrived at the park but something was wrong. I turned around and started to walk back to my apartment knowing that there were 5 people who had their eyes on me. I got maybe half a mile away from the park when I heard what sounded to be like a fight coming from an alley that I was walking by. Me being curious walked in the ally to see 4 guys beating down a girl that looked to be about my age . Anger boiled inside of me. "hey leave her alone" I said as I pulled one of the four guys beating the girl off her. 

"Stay out of this bich" said the guy that i pulled of the girl as he threw me off him and into the ground. I got up right away and hit the dude right in the nose making him take a couple steps backwards holding his nose which is now broken.

"I said leave her alone" I stated as the other 3 guys looked at me and rushed me. The first thug that got close to me, I ducked down and shot my foot out across the ground taking down the first thug. I shot right back up and blocked a punch from the second thug. As I blocked the punch I kicked the thug in the stomach making him dubble over in pain. Then the 1st thug that I punched in the nose came rushing at me throwing a punch which I dogged and punched him in his stomach followed up by a head kick which efficiently knocked him out. The 3rd thug finally reached me and tried to throw multiple punches which I dodged then kicked him in the stomach making him bend over. I followed the kick up with a knee to the face knocking the thug out. The first thug that tripped with my leg snuck up on me and put me in a choke hold which caught me off guard. The thug's grip was super tight, cutting off the flow of air almost instantly. I quickly regained control as I elbowed the thug in his side and flipped him over my shoulder. I followed that up by stomping on the thug's face, knocking him out. The last thug stood before me with a shiny knife in his hands.

"Last chance go before I cut you into tiny pieces" said the thug as he raised his knife.

"I knocked out all your friends in the matter of 2 minutes just because you have a little pokie object doesn't mean that I am not going to knock you out too" I replied as I rushed the thug catching him off guard. The thug tried to stab me in my stomach but I saw it coming from a mile away. I shot my feet back and leaned forward grabbing the thugs wrist that held the knife I took control of the thugs wrist and made him drop the knife I stepped close to the thug and kneed him in the stomach then step past the thug throwing him to the ground and kicking his face knocking him out. I took a moment to catch my breath then turned to the girl who was curled up in a ball crying. "Hey it's ok they won't hurt you anymore" I said in a sweet voice.

The girl looked up at me. "T...thank you" replied the girl in a low voice.

"What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"Lilly...Lilly Barton" Replied the girl as she stared into my blue eyes looking for a certain reaction of realization that her dad was Hawkeye.

"Nice to meet you Lily, my name is Alexis" I said and Lilly nodded. "It looks like you took a rough beating. Do you want me to treat your wounds?" I asked.


Thank you for reading the first part of my story. I hope you liked it I hope I can release another part soon

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