Part 6

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"Ok leave your bag here go and wait for me in the truck I will be out in a minute." said Clint. I nodded and went outside and hopped in the back of the truck. A minute later Clint was in the front seat in his hawkeye suit.

"Ok to make this look believable you need to be handcuffed. And you need some wounds as evidence of a fight" Clint says as he pulls out of his driveway.

"Ok" I reply as I start making my fist red by hitting myself. After that I messed my hair up a bunch. "Ok I think I look good but what about you?" I replied.

"I am known to come in without a single scratch on me" Clint replies as he hands me some handcuffs. I take the handcuffs and cuff my wrist behind my back tightly. "Ok we will be at the Shield headquarters in 5 minutes. Be warned Natasha and Tony are there. Once they know that I brought you in they will want to talk to you." Clint warns me as I can see the Shield headquarters out my window.

"They can talk to me all they want. I will make them feel guilty about not raising me" I respond with a small smirk. As we pull into the Shield headquarters. Clint turns off his truck and gets out of it while opening my door and walking me into the headquarters.

"Hey someone tell Fury that Hawkeye brought in the person from the attack on the highschool" Clint says as he walks me down a hallway. We walked down the hallway for 5 minutes. I ignore the stares I get as Clint leads me into an interrogation room. "I'm taking your sword, arrows and bow. Clint states as he grabs all three and walks out of the room.

I sit in the interrogation room staring at the one way glass with no emotion in my eyes. I was starting to get bored after 5 minutes of sitting in the room. Then the door opened and in came Fury.

He slammed the door shut trying to scare me before he started interrogating me. He slams a file down on the table in front of me. I look down at the file label 'Deadshot'. "So you know who I am yet you come in here alone?" I question as I stare into Fury's one good eye.

"You are handcuffed in the best handcuffs in the world. Even Natasha couldn't get out of them" Fury states as he sits down in front of me. I sigh as I quickly pick the handcuffs. I raise the handcuffs in my right hand and drop them in front of Fury on the table as he stares at me in shock.

"Im better then Natasha" I state as I take the file and open it.

Name: Unknown

Age 13 to 25

Sex: female

Code name: deadshot

Threat level: red do not engage

I smirk as I read the File because they know nothing about me. "It looks like you know nothing about me Fury" I state as I slide the back over to Fury.

"Agent Barton told me that you are on the run from Hydra? Is that true?" ask's Fury with a raised eyebrow.

I lean back in my chair and put my hands behind my head as I answer. "Well technically I'm running from the Red room. The red room made a deal with Hydra A little over a month before I escaped. So Hydra is after me because they want to do a test on me. And most likely make more, like me" I state as I look Fury dead in the eye.

"What's your name?" asked Fury.

"Lexis" I reply using the nickname Lily gave me.

"Well Lexis You took out 60 hydra soldiers in under an hour. Then you beat one of my best agents in hand to hand combat. What training did they put you through?" ask Fury, catching me off guard for a moment but I quickly recover fast enough that Fury doesn't notice.

"I went through the same thing that Natasha went through. The red room. The only thing different was that Natasha didn't get past the first stage while I completed every stage" I state as I lean forward and put my hands on the table. I could tell Fury was caught off guard from the information I just told him but he quickly recovered before asking another question.

"How many stages of the red room are there?" ask Fury as he leans back in his chair.

"6" I reply.

'I don't trust him' states midnight, surprising me from the sudden noise.

'I know I don't either but we need to make sure Hydra doesn't get us again' I state as I see Fury start talking.

"I want you to join the avengers" states Fury surprising me.

"No" I reply instantly catching Fury off guard. "I will not join the avenger and have someone control my every move again. I had enough of that in my life." I elaborate for Fury who nods.

"Well either you join the Avengers or I put you in a cell in a shield" states Fury.

"Ha I knew something was up you can take me to a cell but I will never join the Avengers" I state as I take the handcuffs and cuff my wrist behind my back once again surprising fury.

"Natasha get in here and take her to the changing room" Fury states as He takes one more look at me then walks out of the room as the redhead assassin Natasha walks into the room and grabs the ciffs roughly and starts walking me down a hallway.

"Nice to see you again Natasha" I say with a smirk under my mask. Natasha doesn't reply but she does open a door and walks through it with me. Inside there are a bunch of SHIELD prisoner uniforms. Natasha picks one up and drags me into a room and uncuffs me.

"Change and open the door when you're done" she states as she walks out of the room. I peel my hood off from my head letting my curly red hair flow down to my shoulders as I take off the rest of my suit and put on the prison uniform. I finished getting changed and opened the door and walked out of the room. I was harshly grabed and thrown into a wall as I felt the cold steel of handcuffs covering my wrist. I let out a slight chuckle which only seemed to anger Natasha as she harshly walked me down a hallway and into a cell not even bothering to take my handcuffs off which surprised me. I decided I wanted to make her even more mad so I decided to say something.

"Oh Natasha before you leave. I met your daughter in the red room. She told me that if I ever found her mom to tell her that and I quote "I absolutely hate her for not raising me" Though I should keep my promise to her." I said as I watched Natashsa stop dead in her tracks before shooting an angry glare at me.

"I couldn't raise her because I was running just like how you are" she replies before walking away.

I sat on the uncomfortable bed in shock from what I just heard. I quickly pick the lock to my handcuffs and throw them on a metal table not too far away from my bed. I sighed as I laid down and fell into a restless sleep.

Natasha Pov

I walked into the living room area after dropping Lexis off in her cell. I was still mad from what she said but I was more sad than anything knowing that my baby girl went through the red room just like I did. I walked through the living room at a fast pace ignoring how the rest of the team stared at me. I made it to my room but not before Tony stopped me.

"Nat, wait up. What's up, are you ok?" ask Tony as he follows me into my room.

"You know that person Clint brought in?" I ask Tony as I sit in my bed. Tony sit's down right next to me and pulls me into his chest.

"Ya the girl that knocked me out at the school" Tony replied as he started rubbing circles on my back.

"Well before I left her in her cell she said that she met our baby in the red room." I said as Tony stopped rubbing circles on my back as soon as he heard me.

"She knew her?" Tony asks. I nod into his chest as I break down crying.

"It's ok" Tony says as he rubs circles on my back and slowly rocks me back and forth. 

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