Part 10

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A/n Sorry for the cliff hanger on the last chapter but here you go. Please do not hate on my work. End A/n

Alexis Pov

Natasha rushed at me giving me next to no time to get ready, but I was kind of expecting her to just jump at me so I quickly side stepped and threw a left hook that ended up catching Natasha on the chin. I used the couple of seconds that I gained and jumped back and put my fist back up to my cheeks ready to actually fight.  I waited until Natasha looked back up at me with nothing but pure rage making me laugh. "You look like you want to kill me" I state as Natasha starts rushing at me.  I block all of her punches and kicks until I take a quick shot hitting her in the ribs with a body shot. 

"You will be lucky if you don't end up dead when your done fighting with me." She states as she keeps rushing at me. 

"If you say so" I say as I slip under one of her punches and slip behind her. As I get behind her I wrap my arms around her waist and use my strength to body slam her to the mat. I quickly get on her back and try to wrap my hand's around her neck to put her in a choke hold but she slips out and ends up getting on my back and trying to put me in a choke hold but I end up slipping out and standing up. "Is that all you got?" I ask. I hear Natasha grunt in annoyance as she stands back up. 

"What can't beat me as fast as you beat Bucky huh?" Natasha taunts me.

I can feel the switch from normal to assassin flip and I know that I won't be able to stop once I start fighting when I'm in assassin mode. I can also tell that Natasha noticed that something inside me flipped because she looked at me in shock for a split second before her expression turned back into anger. "There we go let the assassin out to play" Natasha said as she got into a different fighting stance.  

I quickly analyzed her stance and found 3 weak points in her stance. Once I found 1 weak point I rushed at her ducking under her punches until I noticed that she dropped her back hand.  I took the chance and ducked under another one of her punches before throwing a punch of my own hitting her back shoulder causing her to let out a small grunt of pain while she jumped away from me. I used that to my advantage and kept going after her throwing punch after punch at her, some hitting and some she blocked. She finally realized that she was backed into a corner and had no choice but to actually fight me. She ducked under one of my punches and countered with a kick. I countered the kick to my stomach and caught her foot. I pulled her out of the corner by her foot before stepping close to her and getting my foot behind her other foot causing her to call and for me to fall on top of her.  I quickly postured my self up and threw a few punches at her face before I garbed her arm rolled her over so she was on top of me. As I rolled her over I wrapped my legs around her head putting her in a triangle choke hold causing her to tap out. 

everything went quite as I stood up. I could feel the switch flip turning me back to my normal self, I let out a deep breath as I got out of the ring and made my way to to the door. "Where are you going?" asked Tony as he stepped in front of me blocking my way to the door. 

"To my room." I answered simply as I walked around Tony and made my way out of the training room. "Friday please show me the way to my room" I asked Friday as the red line appeared on the floor again and I followed it back to my room. Once I made it back to my room I went to the closet and grabbed a pair of black joggers and a white sports bra and a sweatshirt. I made my way to my bathroom and got a shower ready, I striped my clothes off when the shower got hot and I quickly stepped into the hot water letting it fall over my body. As I got myself clean I thought back to the fight I just had with Natasha and how easily the assassin switch flipped and that scared me.  I tried to fight the memories of the last time that the assassin switch was flipped out of my mind but I failed and I see the memory play in my head. 

  Flash back 

"вставать" said a guard as he opened my cell door and uncuffed my wrist from the bed frame. (get up is the translation)

"да сэр" I responded as I followed the guard out of my cell and made our way to the mission room. (Yes sir is the translation.) the guard stopped at the door of the mission room and I went inside the room and was met with my handler.

 "Deadshot you have a mission ." stated my Handler as he slid a stack of at least 10 files across the table, stopping in front of me. "You have 12 targets in this mission. They are going to be at a Hydra event. these 12 people are traitors, you are to eliminate them. If you are to cause harm to any other people at the event your punishment will be death." My handler told me as I picked up the first file and started to read it quickly before setting it down. 

"when do I leave?" I ask as I look over to my handler.

"Now. So go get ready." My handler told me I nodded and grabbed the files before leaving the room. I made my way back to my room and grabbed my bow and quiver and set it on my bed before changing into my uniform. Once I was changed I grabbed my throwing knifes and put them on my waist before putting my quiver on my back and grabbing my bow and the files and leaving my cell. I made my way to the helicopter on the room and when we took off I started to read the files to get ready for the mission. When we got close enough to the event I threw the rope out of the helicopter and slid down the rope landing on top of a building getting ready to start my mission.  I stayed on the roof for about an hour before I caught sight of one of my targets. I got a zip line arrow out and shot it into a wall and slid down the line that the arrow left, As I slid down the line I pulled out my sward and cut my first targets head clean off. I dropped from the line landing on the balcony. I made my way inside well aware that the switch is flipped and I wont be able to calm down until the mission is complete.  

  Once I was inside I was more alert scanning over the crowd for any of my targets. I found 3 of my targets talking in a corner while pointing at a few people not to far away from them. I quickly made my way over to my tree targets. 

"Well hello little girl want to have some fun" One of my targets says as he wraps his hands around my shoulders making me tense slightly. 

"No thank you" I say as I grab one of my throwing knifes from my waist and stab the guy in the heart before taking the blade out and throwing it at another one of my targets causing him to drop to the floor dead. I grabbed another knife from my waist and threw it at my last target killing him. I walked over to the targets on the floor and collected my knife, in the process I confirmed my kills before moving on trying to find my next target. I eventually found all off my targets and killed them fast not making my self known to the other people in the room. Once my last target was dead I made my way to the street, once I was on the street I called my Handler and let him know that the mission was finished and that I needed to be picked up. 

End flash back

A/n That is the end of the chapter I hope you people liked it. It took me a little bit to come up with this chapter and I really like it. If you liked it please vote for this chapter. If you like this story then please follow me. If you have any feedback please leave a comment or send me a message and I will reply when I can. Until next time stay true to yourself peace. 

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