Part 12

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A/n Welcome back to my story hope you like this chapter. End A/n

I made it back to the compound in 5 minutes. As I turned off my bike I ran to the doors and ran inside the compound quickly finding the team standing in a meeting room. "Sorry I'm late" I say as I step inside the room and make my self known. 

"You should be here on time next time." Natasha tells me coldly.

"Enough, Lexis we have found a Hydra base and now we are going to take it down." Steve explains to me.

"Which base?" I ask as I look at the map on the Tv.

"One in Ohio" Steve answers causing me to nod.

"Good that means I can get my knifes back" I say as I look around the room and see all the people looking at me in shock. 

"What do you mean get your knifes back?" Tony asks me with a raised eyebrow. 

"If it's the base I think it is then that means that my knifes are still there. I forgot to grab them when I escaped." I explained and I see the team nod in understanding. 

"Are we sure that she is ready for this?" I hear Tony ask causing me to send him a hard glare causing him to shrink back in fear.

"I can do this, plus If its the base I think it is then I know the base better then any of you" I say as I look at everyone in the room. 

"Ya she has a point. Lexis go get ready we leave in 30" Steve tells me. I nod and rush out of the room and run back to my room. I found my suit and bow and quiver laying on my bed. I smiled as I pulled off my clothes and changed back into my suit. I grabbed the sword that was also on the bed and put it on my back. I leave my room and meet the team in the living room. The team is all in there suits, we make our way to the Quinjet. Once we are all buckled in the jet took off. 

"You nervous?" Clint asks me as he looks at me.

"No" I answer simply knowing that I am getting a little nervous about going back to the place that took away any chance at me living a normal life. 

The rest of the ride was pretty quite with the occasional conversation. Once we arrived at the base the door to the jet opened as we landed. We all rushed out of the jet and we were met with a bunch of guards it looked like they were expecting us, they all started firing there guns at us. "Looks like they knew we would be here" I state as I shoot an arrow killing a guard. 

"You think?" Tony says as he shoots lasers out of his palms. 

"Shut up and focuses you two" Natasha tells us causing me to roll my eyes as I kill another guard. 

'Midnight can I turn into a wolf' 

'Yes but I am taking control'


I set my bow down as I felt my teeth get larger before everything went black. 

Clint Pov

I see Alexis set her bow down and drop to the ground kind of scaring me. I have grown to really like Alexis. As I was about to move to check on her I see her body start to change, I watch in shock as she turns into a pretty black wolf, I don't have enough time to say anything before the wolf runs out onto the body field and starts killing Hydra agents. "Guys the black wolf is Lexis do not shoot her." I inform the team as I start shooting more arrows. 

"You mean that she is enhanced?" Tony asks in shock.

"Yep" I answer as we all went quite and just focused on fighting all the guards. We killed all the guards. When all the guards were dead I saw Lexis transform back into a human and come back to pick up her bow. 

"You want to explain that?" Tony asks as he lands next to me and Alexis. 

"Later." Lexis answers as we make our ay inside the base. "Clint me and you should stick together" Lexis tells me I nod as we both turn around a corner and start clearing the hallway of all the guards. 

Alexis Pov

Me and Clint cleared a few hallways of guards but as we were clearing the 5th hallway I noticed someone looking at me with a sick smile. It didn't click in my head until it was to late when I realized that it was my handler looking at me I tried to rush and kill him but he started to say something that I never wanted to hear again. 

"5, window, car, sun, rush, kill, Ready to comply?" my old handler finished my control words and I felt my mind go blank. 

"Ready to comply" I answered back unable to help myself.

"o shit" I heard someone mumble, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn't pin point who it was.  I look at my handler only to see him with an arrow in his chest. 

I look around the hallway and spot a person dressed like me and it became clear to me that he just killed my handler. "Die" I say as I rush at the person who drops his bow and we start fighting hand to hand. Eventually I get the upper hand as I tripped the guy and got on top of him. I grabbed an arrow from my quiver and was about to stab him in the chest but I was stopped buy a shock so powerful that it knocked me out. The last thing I remember was screaming out in pain then nothing but darkness. 

A/n thank you for reading this chapter, If you liked it please vote for the chapter. If you like my writing then please follow me and if you have any feedback then please leave a comment or message me and I will respond when I can. Until net time peace. 

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