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'You did nothing wrong' Midnight tells me, startling me.

'Then why did she react the way she did?' I ask Midnight.

"I think that she was mad that she wasn't ready to be attacked, she let her guard down and I think that bothers her,' Midnight gives me her opinion and I can't help but agree with it.I stop talking with Midnight and close my eyes trying to rest a little bit.

30 minutes later.

Just as I was starting to let my guard down I heard someone open the door to my cell. "Get up" the voice of a man said as I opened my eyes and looked over to the door to see no other than Captain America standing outside my cell. I comply and get up and walk out of the cell with Captain America holding my wrist as we start to walk to an interrogation room.

"So Captain America, will you be interrogating me today?" I question breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yes I will be, Please call me Steve." Steve replies, making me nod as he opens a door, and lets me walk in first. I go to the far side of the gray table in the middle of the room sitting down in the chair as Steve walks in behind me shutting the door while grabbing a folder off the wall and walking over and sitting across the table from me. He opens the file and reads it before putting it down on the table.

"You look a lot like Natasha" Steve starts making me tense up slightly. I quickly calm down hoping that Steve didn't notice.

"I noticed," I responded as I put my feet up on the table.

"You tensed up when I mentioned it" Steve points out.

"No I didn't" I deny it as Steve just nods dropping the topic.

"So I heard that Fury wanted you to join the avengers and you declined, why?" Steve asks me as he leans forward putting his hands on the table.

"If I join the avengers I will have someone ordering me around. I have had enough of that in my life. " I answer honestly as Steve nods, accepting my answer.

"The only time you will be ordered is when we are doing a mission other than that you can live your life like normal." Steve informs me trying to change my mind.

"I'm a trained assassin. I don't think SHIELD will let me live life like normal." I respond casually while looking at Steve.

"I'll make sure that you can live like normal" Steve reassures me, while looking into my eyes.

'Midnight what do you think' I ask Midnight in my head.

'I think you should try it' Midnight's voice sounds in my head.

"How about this, I will temporarily join the avengers, say for 2 months if I like it I will join full time but if I don't I get to leave and you guys won't bother me no more." I propose my offer to Steve, I can see that he is thinking it over before he nods.

"I can agree to that," Steve tells me with a smile.


It had been about 2 hours since I got done with the interrogation with Steve. I am now walking with Steve, Steve opens a door and allows me to go in first following behind me.

"You are about to meet the rest of the avengers." Steve tells me as we turn a corner and I see all the avengers sitting down in the living room. "Guys this is the new recruit Lexis." Steve announces once we get closer getting the attention of the avengers

"You're the Girl that I fought at the school." Tony Stark exclaims as he recognizes me.

"Yes I am Tony" I responded while rolling my eyes. 

"Steve, she is a prisoner, she should not be here." Natasha states with nothing but venom in her voice.

"She agreed to join the avenger for 2 months. If she likes it then she will join full time but if she doesn't like it she gets to leave." Steve informs the team.

"Welcome to the team," Bruce tells me.

"Well I guess we should introduce ourselves." Steve states.

"No need I know all of you" I respond, making Steve nod.

"Well I will show you your room" Steve tells me, I nod as we walk away to my room

A/n Short chapter today sorry. until next time stay true to yourself peace

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