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A/n I don't really know what i am going to do with this story but here we go.


Alexis looked around the living room when there was a big boom and the wall exploded making a big hole, allowing Alexis to look over the damage from the creature's. As the 7 year old stands in the middle of the living room looking out to New York all she sees is a bunch of fire and explosions happening all around. The 7 year old notices another creature flying towards her but then it explodes. Alexis looks around and spots a man on top of a building not too far away with a bow and arrow fighting off a bunch of creatures. Alexis stares at the man in aw. The last thing that Alexis see's is a glowing blue rock flying at her then darkness.

End flashback 

Natasha pov

I was speeding through traffic on my bike trying to get to the hydra base to get lexis...my baby girl, I felt a weird energy surround me then disappear, then there was a blue beam of energy in the sky, I looked at my GPS and the beam of energy was coming from the hydra base making me speed up. I arrived at the base the team pulling up right behind me, I hop off my bike and the team runs up beside me. 

"Alright team, Alexis is in this building, don't just focused on getting her, stay alert you never know what could happen" Tony says as the the team takes a moment and looks at the bright blue beam in the sky. "Let's got team" Tony says as he starts flying around the building.

"I run into the building pulling out my pistol as I make it to the door, Clint and Steve behind me.  I open the door and shoot the first guard that I see and continue making my  way through the building. 

"Ok it looks like Lexis is on the 4th floor, that's out goal." Tony informs the team as he flies around the building trying to get us more info. as I shoot even more guards not bothering to give them mercy, 

"Ok lets go first floor clear" I tell the team as I start running up the stairs taking out every guard in between me and my baby girl. 

"Nat the blue beam is getting weaker, I would hurry" I hear Tony in my ear making me grunt in response and start ignoring the team behind me and only focusing on myself trying to get through the guards as fast as I possibly can.

"Tony i got to the 4th floor, got any more info  for me?" I ask Tony as I put down another 6 guards

"I think she's at the end of the hallway how is it in there?" Tony asks me as I start running to the end of the hall. 

"Its bloody in here, I'm at the end of the hall I'm going in" I tell Tony as I open the door and see, My baby girl floating just above the ground with her eyes witch are normally green an icy blue that had nothing but power in them, I quickly scan the room and see two bodies on the floor with their heads missing, I ignore them and run over to Alexis. "Baby girl" I say sweetly as i try to get close, She snaped her head over to me and I see her eyes start to glow brighter.

"YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME THAT" Alexis yelled at me before lasers shot out of her eyes right at my head, I was barley had enough time to dodge.

"ALEXIS PLEASE" I screamed as loud as I can and I saw her eyes go dark for a second before the got bright and another laser was shot right at my head. I wasn't able to dodge it all the way and the laser ended up hitting my arm making me yell in pain as I hit the floor.  

"LEXIS" I hear clint scream as he runs into the room, my vison is starting to get blurry but the last thing I see is a bright beam of light going right at clint, then my vision goes dark.

Clint Pov

Lexi just shot a laser at me and I was Barley able to dodge it, "Lexi please you need to calm down" I try talking to her calmy and before I know it another laser is flying towards my head. 

'come on think clint, think, what can calm her down' I start trying to think as I keep avoiding the laser blast that keep coming towards me 'THATS IT, its risky bringing her here, but tis my only choice' I finish my thought as I dodge a 5th laser.

"Tony go to the farm house and get Lilly and bring her here" I tell tony as I jump out of the room and hide behind a corner for a second catching my breath. 


"She wont Tony, Trust me, just do what I ask I cant keep dodging forever" I tell tony as I peek around the corner and jump back into the room avoiding another laser. 

'please get here in time tony' I think as I feel a hot pain in my leg.  I look down at my leg and i see a laser going through my leg making me drop to the floor screaming out in pain, I look across the room and see Natasha's unconscious body on the floor making look over to Alexis who was staring at me her now bright blue eyes staring into mine.

A/n That's where im going to end this part,  Sorry it took me so long to update this....kind of forgot abt it and didn't have no motivation. please leave a comment if there is something I can do better, if u liked the chapter please vote. until next time stay true to yourself PEACEEEEEE 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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