Part 3

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A/n welcome back to part 3 of my 'unknown' story please  vote my story. this is a fanfic so the timeline might not make sense but thats ok.

I look at the time and it reads 3:30. I quickly take off my quiver along with my bow. I put my quiver in my backpack and left my bow on the roof under a pile of blankets that I brought to the roof. I throw on an oversized sweatshirt over my suit and finally climb down from the building. Reach my bike and start it up then I drive out of the parking lot and start the drive to Lily's house.

I took my time driving down the old country road that leads to Lily's house. The reason was for me to scope out any places for me to hide while I keep guard of Clint's family. Finally I pull up to the house.

It's a nice house but as I got off my bike I noticed that it had multiple areas where enemies could easily get inside the house. I took a couple minutes just standing in front of the house and looking around so I knew my surroundings.

Something that was trained into me I thought.

I walk up to the door and knock. A couple seconds later the door opens to reveal a smiling Lily who Instantly drags me into the house. Lily shuts the door behind me and motions me to follow her so I do. "Welcome to my family's house. I told my mom about you and she can't wait to talk to you" said Lily as we walked in the kitchen. As we walked in the kitchen I saw a woman who looked to be in her early 30's who I assumed was Lily's mom. "Mom this is Alexis the girl I told you about when you picked me up from school" exclaimed Lily as the woman turned around and smiled brightly at me and Lily.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Laura Barton, thank you for helping Lily last night" said Laura with a polite smile on her face when I returned.

"I'm Alexis and it's no problem I just did what anyone else would have done" I replied as Lily dragged me to a seat at the Kitchen table.

"Well I hope you did what anyone else would have done. But these days people only care for themselves and not others" replied Laura sadly as she turned back around and continued to make mac n cheese.

"You should meet my dad" said Lily as she grabbed two sodas from the fridge and gave me one which I took right away.

I hope that Clin't doesn't see through my mask of emotions. I thought as Lily started to drag me outside by my wrist.

"Whoa slow down Lil I can walk" I said with a light chuckle as I almost spilled my soda Lily stopped and let go of my hand and continued to walk to what seemed to be an old barn. I followed right behind Lily. Slowly Lily opened the door and walked in, me right behind her.

"Hey dad" said Lily a couple seconds later there was a loud crash that startled me. Not even thinking I grabbed Lily and stepped in front of her putting her behind me in case I needed to protect her.

"Hey Lily" said a male voice that I instantly recognized as Clint's voice. I stepped back and Let Lily in front of me once I realized that there was no threat. I took A quick moment to look around the barn. On the left side of the barn there was a table that had 2 computers on it. Right next to the table was a suite with a quiver and a bow on the back. I looked to the right and saw an old tractor and a little workshop with tools.

"Dad this is Alexis the girl I told you about" said Lily causing me to snap my head back in front of me to see THE Clint Barton standing in front of me.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Barton" I said as I took a step forward and put my hand out for him to shake which he did right away.

"You can just call me Clint Mr makes me feel old" Replied Clint as I retracted my hand and left it at my side.

"Ok clint" I replied.

"you're the one that helped my daughter last night along with stitching her wound?" asked, Clint.

"Yep, that's me. Speaking of which, Lily, how are your stitches doing?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder to Lily. 

"They're doing good, see" replied Lily as she lifted up the left side of her shirt to show the stitched up wound.

"Good" I replied as she dropped the left side of her shirt.

"Hey Lily, can I talk to Alexis alone for a moment?" asked Clint. Lily nodded and left the barn Leaving me and Clint.

"Sit" said Clint as he pointed to a chair that was by the table with computers on it. I complied and sat down in the chair. Clint sat not too far away from me leaning on the table as he analyzed me. "Good work on the stitches. I wanna know how you knew how to stitch the wound." said Clint.

"My archery instructor taught me after I accidentally Cut my arm while making arrows." I lied but Clint seemed to buy it.

"You do archery?" asked Clint.

"2 time state champion in Archery" I replied Clint nodded.

"Lily tells me that you saved her from 4 guys and you managed to knock them out all single handedly" asked Clint.

"Yep I heard what sounded to be like a fight happening inside an alley as I was walking home from the park. I was curious so I walked into the alley to see Lily getting beat up so I did something about it" I replied as I looked down at my slightly bruised knuckles.

"Thank you for helping my daughter," Said hawkeye. Suddenly there was a click and a video started to play. It was quiet for a moment before someone spoke in russian.

"proyekt 56760" said a person. (project 56760)

It took a moment for me to recognize the voice but the moment I did I wish I didn't. The voice was from my handler from my time at HYDRA. HYDRA is an evil organization that tests on humans. I spent 5 years at hydra getting experimented on and learning how to fight before I escaped when I was 13.

"chto ty khochesh" said A voice. RIght then and there I realized that the voice belonged to me when I was 11 years old. (what do you want)

I heard another click and the video stopped. I could feel tears that I wanted to escape but I held them back. Clint looked over to me as I made sure that my emotional mask was strong so he couldn't see through it. "Sorry about that, Fury wanted me to try and find the girl," said Clint. My eyes widened a small amount and Clint noticed and instantly started to ask questions. "You're the girl aren't you?" asked Clint.

I stayed silent wondering if I should answer the question or not. "How about this? You answer the questions I have for you and then you can move on like nothing happened" said Clint.

"I'm the girl in the video" I replied in a quiet voice.

"How old were you when you got experimented on by HYDRA?" asked Clint.

I sighed I should have known that he would ask that question. I have 2 choices: I could lie or I could tell the truth. If I tell the truth it might make things 10 times worse. Or I could Lie and hope that Clint doesn't realize that im Lieing. In a matter of seconds I made my Decision. "If I tell you. Promise me that No one, not Even Fury will know about what I'm about to tell you" I said. I switched my voice from scared to confident in the matter of seconds which shocked Clint.

"Ok" replied Clint as he grabbed a notebook and pen.

"HYDRA wasn't experimenting on me," I said. Clint stopped what he was doing and stared at me wanting me to continue. "That Video" I started as I pointed to the computer where the Video came from. "Was the Video of Me Graduating the 6th and Final stage of red room" I finished and clint almost choked on his spit.


That's this chapter what did you think? good, bad? please leave comments telling me what you think. until next time stay true to yourself, peace. 

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