Part 4

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"What do you mean the 6th stage of the red room? There is only 1 stage" said Clint as he finished writing and waited for me to continue talking.

"Realy is that what Natasha told you?" I asked, I received a nod from Clint.

"Well She was wrong. Natasha always fought HYDRA every step of the way. But once I realized that there was no way out I embraced Hydra. I did everything they asked me to. After being in the first stage of the red room for I would say 2 months. I was moved. I was told that I graduated the first stage and I was moving to the second stage. The second was a bit better than the first one. I got actual food and a comfortable bed. In the second stage they teach you more advanced fighting skills. Another thing they do is send you on more missions. After doing about 40 missions in about 2 months I was moved once again but this time into what they called the test stage. I call it the 4th stage because I worked until I dropped and even then I would still work so they didn't hurt me. In the 4th stage you would get to choose a weapon. I chose a bow because I remembered that you saved me during the attack of New York. So I trained with the bow day and night for 6 months. Then I started getting sent on missions that I had to seduce my targets. If I failed a Mission the price was death. The standards were held so high for me because of all the missions I went on I never failed one. After I completed my 100th mission I got moved to the 5th stage. I learned how to use my bow better and I masted 3 different kinds of fighting. The missions I got sent on were a lot harder but I did them without failure. I got my missions done so fast they started to give me 2 missions at a time. After I would say 3 years I got moved to the 6th stage. One of the perks of the 6th stage was that you could ask for favors from the head of the red room. I used mine to take a DNA test. I thought I knew my parents but over time I would hear some guards talking about how much I looked like Natasha with my red hair and my green eyes. It got me thinking. So imagine my surprise when the head of the red room came into my room and told me That my Dna matched Natasha Rommanoff and Tony stark's" I finished my rant and took in a deep breath then looked over to Clint, who was staring at me in shock. I waved my hand in front of his face then he snapped out of his shock.

"So you're telling me that Natasha is your Mother and Doesn't know you?" Clint asked, still shocked.

"Yep" I said as I nodded.

"But why did Natasha have another Kid if she couldn't raise you?" Clint mumbled under his breath but I heard him.

"She had another kid" I asked and Clint nodded.

"Name" I stated. I was Mad and Clint could tell as he shivered under my Intense glare.

"Peter Benjamin Stark" Replied Clint quickly as he coward in fear.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. "Any other questions?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have any powers?" Clint asked.

"I am a shapeshifter. I can turn into a wolf but I can't really control the wolf." I reply as I notice that tears are starting to spill from my eyes. I quickly try to wipe them but they just keep coming. The next thing I know Clint has his arms wrapped around me and he is holding me into his chest.

"It's ok. If it makes you feel any better I won't tell anyone about our talk." stated Clint as he rubbed circles on my back.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes. When I calmed down Clint let me go. I was still mad that Natasha had another kid although she didn't raise me. Clint must've noticed that I was still mad because he decided to hand me a bow and some arrows. I took the bow and arrows and looked at him confused. He pointed to a target that was on the other side of the barn. I quickly loaded the bow with three arrows and let the string go. The arows went flying, embedding themselves dead center of the target. I felt so calm as I shot a couple more arrows which hit the target like the other ones. Suddenly a thought crossed my head and I stopped shooting the arrows.

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