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June 25th - 1952

At the end of the day Tristan met up with Nathaniel outside the gates, "If I give you back your memories, Tridarian and my father will instantly take you back, no questions asked. Why don't we find out by ourselves and decide on our own how we deal with this situation?" Nathaniel looks to the open gate, "I can agree with that, bring Lillie to our house and we can all discuss how we'll take the next step." Tristan nods, "I'm bringing Cain too, he's immortal, and I have to deal with him too." Nathaniel nods and walks away, Rhain walks over nervously. "This situation has spiralled-" He stops her before she can finish, "Get Cain to come to our house, he'll die today, as for Lillie, I'll fetch her." Before he can walk away she grabs him by the blazer, "Tristan, I don't feel like this thing we're doing is going to end well. I'm scared." He turns and her hand drops beside her and he takes her hand into his, "Don't think about it too much, I won't let anything bad happen to you." She looks up to him, "Rhain, I promise. Nothing will happen that's not already in my control." She nods erratically, he lets go of her hand and walks away leaving Rhain uncomfortable with his words.

Tristan sits on the house wall, "What are you doing out here?" He jumps down and smiles. "Do you even care for those people in there? I wouldn't... How long have you known them for?" Lillie looks at him cautiously, "Why? Are you planning to do something to them if I don't cooperate?" He stands in front of her, "Of course not, I was just wondering, I was curious. You were quite emotional before these newfound memories, I just thought... are those parts completely gone or are they still there?" She moves and grabs hold of the gate, "Follow me if you want answers, or go inside and find corpses that have your DNA on." She looks back stunned. "You- You've already killed them?" He grabs her wrist and holds firmly, "We don't care about the humans down on earth, you should know I am the Devil's son. Why don't we head on over to my house, and the bodies will be gone... No trace, like they never existed. Human affection and love to me isn't something you can pull on me, so I thought. How well would Lillie do, if I killed her adopted parents." She turns round in a fuss and punches him repeatedly, "You idiot, they were good people! They were good people!" He holds her a little tighter, "That isn't any of my concern, now let's go before I test another one of my theories." She drops her body to the floor. "You just use people at will..." He smiles carelessly, "If that was the case Nathaniel wouldn't be so disobedient, he'd listen to me and come to hell without hesitation." She looks up to him, "Then you like to overpower weak humans, living their day-to-day life." He rolls his eyes and picks her up and throws her over his shoulders, "I haven't got time for this." He looks around and quickly uses his wings to fly.

They arrive at the house wall, looks around and then walks through the large black gates. "Tristan. Why are you carrying her?" He smiles and looks down, "Jealous?" She walks inside without another word and he puts her down in the living room, "Guardian, lock us all in." Rhain gets up in a rush, and Lillie looks up at him. "Oh, Lillie, I didn't kill anyone, but it's nice to know how you'd react if I did do that. Leverage is always nice." He laughs and sits down, "Firstly, I'd like to start with what we're all here for, and by the end of it, Cain you get to die." Lillie looks to Cain, "Lillie knows the most information, so I need you to tell me. Everything." The ungodly look on Tristan's face left Lillie excruciated, "What can I tell you that wasn't already said, I have no clue who sent me the letter to kill Rhain. I just knew that if I wanted to be on top, I had to... It wasn't Lilith, and we were going to abandon Rhain in a village." Tristan leans in close, "Out of me and Nathaniel, who's stronger." Nathaniel get's up confused. "Are you planning to fight me?" He places his hand up, stopping him from speaking. "Are you Lillie, Nathaniel?" Lillie looks to Nathaniel, "Roughly the same." Nathaniel stands straight with his hands dangling beside him. "How did you know Lilith, Nathaniel?" Tristan looks up and smiles, "You aren't going to speak? well then, let me enlighten you a little. It turns out we're half brothers, my mother, is yours." In shock he tries to think about everything, "Lilith wants both her boys to rule... but God also wants you to rule over Heaven Nathaniel, it might have been him who gave me the letter to kill you... Rhain." Rhain gets up and tries to walk out of the room. "Tristan I want to leave!" He looks at her then turns away, "Tristan!" He mumbles lightly, "We don't know if that's true, wait for the facts." She pushes the force field on the door. "I don't want my memories back, I won't drink it! I won't." He stands up and pulls her aside whispering, "Hey, why are you freaking out without the facts?" She looks at him with tears in her eyes, "Please Tristan, let me out..." He takes hold of her hand. "You're going to hate me for this-" She knocks away his touch and walks to Guardian, "Open the door! You'd listen to a Devil over a Goddess." He looks at her disappointed then grabs a needle and injects it into her, She begins to fall and he holds her close to his body and lays her on the ground. Nathaniel gets up in shock, and Tristan removes the hair from her face. "What did you do to her!" He then strokes her face and looks towards Nathaniel, "Giving her memories back to her." Tristan gets up and stands facing him, "Your next..." Nathaniel steps back, "How do I know I can trust you?" Tristan laughs and stares at him with his eyes wide open, "Look into my eyes and tell me that I'm lying." Tristan grabs another needle and he throws his hands up, "Wait! you can't harm me, I want to see her wake first." He smiles and stabs him, "Sorry, that takes too long and I want to speak to Lillie and Cain alone." He injects it into him and watches as his body falls to the floor. "If you choose to love Rhain she can no longer become Goddess and Nathaniel will rule." Tristan doesn't move, "I was told to make her fall in love with me, it's nothing but a game." Lillie smiles, "The agreement between your mother and I was that I'd be Nathaniel's Right hand. If you do love Rhain, it'd be in the best interest of all of you, then there will be no war to fight." She looks up at him as he turns around. "Can I turn back into an angel?" He laughs, "They don't believe in redemption, and I doubt you're even immortal after drinking my blood." Cain waves his arm around, "Will I see Abel in hell?" Tristan looks at him with an eyebrow raised, "It's not heaven... However, I can request you to see your brother." Cain nods, "Thank you." He gets closer, "But answer me this, what was Lillie like back then?" Cain looks at her sorrowfully, "I know we were young but, she wasn't a good person, she treated us like her own personal chauffeur and I hated her for that but, I don't blame her anymore." Tristan turns his head, "Keep that in mind as you go to hell." Tristan picks up a cup and a pen from the table, he stabs through his eyes and it pours into the cup then stops. He hands Cain the cup and he drinks it, he starts shivering like a fish out of water. His body slowly started to calm down, Lillie goes to speak but Tristan stops her. "He's nearly done..." They are quiet for a few minutes and she gets up. "Why did he have to say that?" He looks at her, "He needs to find vindication to end his suffering completely, he's probably spent a long time hating you... he might have been trapped if he didn't get that out." She looks at him, "What if he didn't say it all!" He gets closer to her, "That sounds like something I don't care about so before these two wake up I need my answers... Lilith slept with Tridarian, the age difference between me and Nathaniel is what?" She starts thinking, "Roughly 20 years or maybe less, there isn't much." Rhain starts to fidget, and he looks to her, then back at Lillie. "He didn't waste no time getting my mother involved." Lillie looks at him annoyed, "She loves your father, but she felt she needed more security with two sons ruling." Tristan starts burning up. "Security! as if I wasn't enough, I would have taken care of her, Nathaniel probably doesn't even care that Lilith is his mother." Lillie gets up tensed, "Calm down or you'll burn the house down, this isn't hell to just be playing with fire, I'm pretty sure I can get hurt!" He boils up and without realising, Rhain rushes him into a hug. "Rhain?" She smiles brightly and calms down dramatically. "You're awake..." She nods and he steadily closes his arms around her, "Don't be mad at something you can't change." He chuckles and tightens his grip, Lillie stands troubled. "There was no need for my memories to be taken away, it's nothing that would've changed anything now." Tristan nods, "That's good." Lillie walks to the window and Tristan leans his head on her hair taking in her smell, "I don't think he'll wake up for a while."

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