Help Me To Walk With You

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Lord, we hear of how Noah walked with You. Help me to follow Your lead and to do all in partnership with You. Increase my surrender so that I can be fully obedient and available and follow where You lead me.

Help me to not depend on myself but on You. Help me not to follow my own will but Yours. Help me not go my own path but to travel through Yours. Help me to follow Your every direction and redirect me to be in step with where You want me to be. Help me to be in step with Your character, heart, mind, Spirit, will and way.  Help me to be walking with You in my character. Let me walk in righteousness. Help me to walk in purity, self-control and patience. Let my heart and actions walk with You. Let them align with Your steps and leading.

Let the decisions I make and the things I do be in step with Your Spirit. Let me walk with You in the things I do and say so that You may be glorified.

Help me by opening my spiritual eyes and ears. Let me have understanding, revelation and wisdom to keep walking with You. Guide me to keep walking with You, teach me to keep walking with You, correct and direct me to keep walking with You. Discipline me to keep walking with You. Prepare me to keep walking with You. Help me Lord because I can't walk with You without Your hand directing me and holding my own

So Lord help me to keep walking with You.

In Jesus name. Amen


Scripture Reference

Genesis 6:9
These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.

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