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"Wait, what?" Before I could even move, cold, metallic handcuffs were rudely clasped against my wrists. "N-no, this has got to be some sort of misunderstanding?"

"You have the right to remain silent," Detective Frimpong continued without a hint of hesitation. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just stated?"

"No! Cuz I didn't do anything!" I yelled, heart racing in my chest. "I didn't kill Akunna!"

"Then how do you explain this." The detective pulled out a plastic bag, filled with several packets of whitish powder. "My men found these packets of cocaine stashed away in a secret compartment in your locker. Now we have reason to suspect you of spiking Akunna's drink with these because a number of your fellow teammates labeled you as an avid drug user."

"What?" My stomach tightened in fear. "That's a lie! I've never used drugs in my life!"

"Right. You can give us more details at the station." The detective motioned at the officer behind me and he gave me a shove.

"No, no, no, wait." I shuffled away, but not before a second officer grabbed my forearm, yanking me towards the corridors. "No, wait. Please, you have to listen to me! I didn't drug Akunna! This is obviously a set-up!"

A lot was going on around me. A buzz of chatter echoed in the air, with all eyes trained on the deck. Coach Sarah's mouth had dropped open as she stood with a number of the competition officials, who were trying to make heads or tails about the sudden development. My teammates, along with the ones I'd just beaten, were watching in surprise and shock. Others stared as if they didn't know me.

My thoughts were spiraling, descending into a void of trepidation, doubt, and nothingness. Anger soon joined the mix when my eyes found that small smirk dancing on Ethan's lips. He stood behind everyone else, arms folded, watching the very ploy he had orchestrated play out before him.

In those few moments, I wanted nothing else but to reach out and crush his neck with all the might I had to offer. The fact that I had seen and appreciated my friendship with this cunning, devious and selfish being made my entire body ache with gut-wrenching pain. All I harbored now for him was pure malice and rage, rage that made me push forward, despite being handcuffed, because I would do anything to scratch that demon in the face.

More men grabbed me with brutality, forcing me backwards against my will, and it would've gotten worse if a high-pitched "stop" hadn't brought everyone to a halt.

"No, wait! Stop!" She pushed past the armed men and my eyes widened at the sight of her.


Nana Kwame rushed forward, looking quite desperate to get rid of her. "Hey! Are you out of your mind!" He sniped, and without warning, latched onto Princess' forearm.

She, on the other hand, was quick enough to shirk his vice grip off her flesh. "Let go, you moron!"

"Princess." Ethan drew closer, eyebrows descending low. "What are you doing here?"

"Yes, what are you doing here? You told me you needed to go home to take care of your mental health." Coach Sarah joined Ethan, anger brewing in her tone. "Don't tell me you lied to me."

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