Bonus chapter

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Taehyung's POV

"Yoongi, did you take care of the meeting with the Park's corporate lawyer?" I asked and waited for an answer. When non came, I looked up from my computer and saw Yoongi wasn't even here.

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask and look at Jimin who shrugged. "You two are practically a human gps when it comes to each other, and you're telling me you don't know where he is?"

"Sorry, boss" Jimin went back to typing his report and I got up.

I went to check the kitchen but he wasn't there, I went to the bathroom but he wasn't there either. Where the hell was he? I decided to get back to the office and give him thirty minutes to show up or else I was sending out a search party.

When the thirty minutes were up and Yoongi still hadn't shown up, I asked Jimin again but the boy still didn't know. I wasn't sure I believed him but it wasn't as if I could convince him to tell me.

"Damn it" I left the office and got into the elevator until it reached Hoseok's floor. I walked over to his office, knocked on the door and came in.

"Hey, TaeTae. What can I do for you?"

"I lost Yoongi, any idea where he could be?"

"No, sorry, man" I sat down in front of my friend and whined. "He sometimes goes to sleep in Jungkook's office, have you checked there?" Just like whenever Jungkook's name was mentioned, I stayed silent, afraid to say anything that would let people know we were dating.

"Oh, come on. I thought you and Jeon were starting to get along better? I saw you two talking on a bench a few days ago"

"What?! What did you see???"

"Um, you two talking on a bench? Why are you so freaked? I thought it was a good thing?"

"Oh it is" I say and force a chuckle. "We're slowly getting there, you know" The room felt silent for a few seconds. "Well, I should go, I still haven't found Yoongi. Thanks though, Hobi"

"No problem, dude" I waved goodbye and closed the door.

I pressed the button for the elevator and waited but when the doors opened I couldn't help but smile as I walked in. I couldn't even wait for the doors to close, I was already wrapping my arms around Jungkook's neck and kissing him.

"Why hello there" His smile almost made me pass out.

"I missed you" I said, nuzzling my nose into his neck.

"I know, I've been busy these last few days" I could feel his hand playing with my hair.

"I was actually heading to your office, I'm looking for Yoongi. Have you seen him?"

"Not today, why are you looking for him?"

"I need to know if he set up an important meeting" With my arms locked around his waist, and my head resting against his chest, I could feel his head beat.

"Speaking of important meetings, who's in charge of the Park meeting?"

"Yoon-, Jimin I think"

"Well could you ask him when is the meeting? We only have a few days to close that deal"

"I'm on it" I removed myself from his arms and looked at the numbers, we still had a few floors to cover.

I felt a breath behind my neck as a shiver ran through me.

"Kook..." I closed my eyes, I couldn't give in, not if somebody could come in at any moment.

"You smell amazing" He whispered as I felt myself being turned around as both my hands were raised above my head. In a second flash, Jungkook's lips were crashed onto mine. I could feel the heat and the need in the way he moved his lips as if he would die if he ever stopped.

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