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Third P.O.V

It was already past seven thirty and Taehyung was still at his office. He had been caught up with a file and wanted to finish it before the end of the day.

"Done!" He said with a big smile.

"Did you finish your work, Tae?" Jimin and Yoongi had already left but the head of the department was still at his desk.

"I did, finally. Now I can go home" Putting down his file, the brunette started gathering his things. "When are you leaving, hyung?"

"Soon, you don't have to wait for me" The elder waved his hand and dismissed the other.

"Okay, well goodnight then, Namjoon hyung"

"Goodnight, Taehyung" Grabbing his briefcase, the brunette headed out of the office and towards the entrance of the building. As he got closer, a figure appeared just in front of the doors.

It's him. What should I do? Do I just ignore him?

Thinking back to what Jimin had told him this morning, the male decided to be brave and go talk to his boss. A few steps and there he was, standing behind the buff figure of the ravenette.

"Mr.Jeon?" He called out.

"Oh, Kim! Are you on your way out?" Jungkook asked when he saw the briefcase.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you something first." Taking a deep breath and readjusting his posture, Taehyung plunged his eyes into Jungkook's.

"It was recently brought to my attention that I was rude to you, maybe too much and even though I knew that, what I didn't know was that it hurt you. I always thought that you didn't care, but I guess if your words hurt me, mine could hurt you as well. So I guess that what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry"

"Thank you, Taehyung. I appreciate you telling me this. So, is that the only thing you're sorry for?" Jungkook looked at his watch and back at Taehyung.

"What?" The brunette blinked not understanding the other's question.

"Are you maybe sorry you kissed me? "

"What? No! I mean I don't regret kissing you. I admit I was out of line but why would you ask me tha- wait. You do, don't you" Taehyung's mouth hung open.

"I do? What? What do I do?" Jungkook blinked a few times and shook his head. He didn't understand what his employee was trying to tell him.

"You regret it...You wish I'd never kissed you" The brunette shook his head and  bit his lip in disbelief. 

"I didn't say tha-"

"You don't have to, it's obvious. I can't believe this, I'm so stupid. Goodnight, Mr.Jeon" Taehyung cut him off and left. 

"Taehyung. Taehyung, wait!" Jungkook called for his employee but the latter only quickened the pace as the ravenette ran after him.

"Taehyung!" Stretching his arm, Jungkook managed to grab the younger's arm, yanking him towards him.

"Let go! Let go of me!" 

"Stop it, Taehyung" The male grabbed both his employee's arm. "Enough!  About the kiss, I-"

"I don't want to talk about it." Taehyung cut him and looked down. Ashamed of what he had done that day.

"It took me by surprise, BUT I don't regret it. I'm impressed that you've decided to own up to your bad behavior and that you've apologized to me. I never would have made the first step, but I'm really glad that you did. I don't have a speech prepared because honestly, I never thought we'd be talking about it. But since we are, you should know that I enjoyed it"

"You did?" The brunette asked in a small voice.

"Yes. I was not planning on telling you what I told you that day, you weren't meant to hear it" Jungkook lowered his gaze for a split second before regaining his compuser. 

"Can I just say that I never expected you to say all these things. And, I keep wondering, are they true?" Taehyung asked. 

"They are. You have this effect on me Taehyung and it scares me. I have no idea about how I should behave around you. You were always so mean to me, you can't imagine how much it hurt. I figured you'd never like me back so I might as well be mean to you as well and try to protect myself. I know I'm probably scaring you, that  you won't return my feelings, but I think you deserve to know the truth" Smiling softly, Taehyung let go of his briefcase, gently holdings Jungkook's hands in his.

"Trust me, I can imagine it. I have had the biggest crush on you ever since I started working here, and I'm sorry if I was always so rude to you. At first, I thought I'd try to act cold with you so you wouldn't suspect anything but then you started freezing me out. Now I know why you did that but before I just thought it was because you didn't like me. And that day in the conference room you totally tore away all the hope I had..."

"I'm so sorry. I was a jerk that day, my feelings were hurt as well as my ego. I never should have said those things to you. Truth is, I want to get to know you. So Taehyung, will you let me drive you home tonight?"

"I'd love that" Chuckling the younger nodded his head.

"Okay" The two boys smiled at each other and exited the building. Taehyung waited at the entrance as Jungkook went to get his car. Soon enough a black Mercedes pulled up as the ravenette went around his car to open the door for his employee making him smile.

"What a gentlemen, Jungkook" Taehyung teased.

"Oh give me a break" The ravenette playfully rolled his eyes and closed the door.

"Are you sure you don't mind driving all the way to my house?"

"I think we already had this conversation, no?" Jungkook softly laughs remembering the first time he drove Taehyung to his house.

"Yes, that's true" Taehyung smiled and leaned back, getting comfortable.

"Are you doing anything Saturday?" Jungkook asked as he drove off.

"This Saturday? Day after tomorrow?"

"Yes. There is a Gala and I expect all of my employees to attend. I am talking about it tomorrow in the meeting, but I thought I'd tell you now"

"Oh well yes, I'm pretty sure I'm going" Taehyung nodded his head and looked outside.

"Good, I look forward to seeing you in a nice suit" Jungkook said and looked at the brunette to see his reaction.

"Jungkook, stop" Taehyung said feeling himself blush madly making the other laugh at his cute reaction.

"Just out of curiosity, have you talked to anyone about our kiss?" The brunette turned red of embarrassment but had to ask.

"Well no,but I know you already told Hoseok" Jungkook said in a calm tone.

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry, do you mind?" The brunette asked but didn't dare to look at the other.

"Not at all, Taehyung. Don't worry" Jungkook saw how uneasy the boy looked at shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"He's one of your best friend, no?" Jungkook asked as well.

"Well he is my closest friend in the company, and I've known him for a long time, yes"

"Well I guess I thought you should tell him" 

"Thank you, Jungkook" Taehyung turned to look at the ravenette and smiled. He wasn't so bad once you got to know him.

"Well this is me here, thank you for the ride"  A few minutes later the car came to a stop in front of the brunette's house.

"Any time" Unbuckling his seat belt, Taehyung quickly pecked his boss's cheek before running to his house, leaving the other with a big smile and a light heart.

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