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Right outside of the bathroom the younger bumped into his friend who looked stunning in his suit

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Right outside of the bathroom the younger bumped into his friend who looked stunning in his suit.

"Hoseok hyung! You look amazing!" Taehyung opened his eyes wide and admired his friend's beautiful features.

"Like wise!"

"They really outdid themselves this year, it all looks so lovely" The brunette pointed to some of the decorations around in the main room.

"Right? It's such a shame I couldn't bring anyone" Hoseok pouted.

"The right girl will come along hyung, you just wait" Taehyung chuckled.

"How about you? Did you come with Jungkook?" The elder asked.

"Oh no, we're not there yet, but we did speak for a bit. I think he's pretty busy" It was Taehyung's turn to pout making Hoseok giggle.

"Yeah, he usually spends the night talking with all the guests"

"Yeah... well I'm going to go back to looking for Namjoon hyung, see you later?" 

"See you~" Hoseok waved goodbye and left. 


 After a few rounds of the hall, he finally saw him dancing hand in hand with another boy. He was rather tall, almost as tall as Namjoon, he had nice mullet like black hair, with glasses and pink lips. He was indeed very handsome and his suit seemed quite expensive as well.

 He was indeed very handsome and his suit seemed quite expensive as well

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(a/n: I will never get over Jin in THAT suit and those glasses)

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(a/n: I will never get over Jin in THAT suit and those glasses)

Taehyung decided to wait until the two were done dancing to introduce himself and thankfully he didn't have to wait long.

"So, did everyone dye their hair for this?" Taehyung joked.

"Oh hello Taehyung! Probably haha so, how are you?" Namjoon swung one arm around his shoulder.

"I'm very good, you seem to be in lovely company" Taehyung hinted to the boy standing next to him.

"Oh yes forgive me, Kim Taehyung this is Kim Seokjin, my fiancée" Namjoon proudly announced.

"Fiancée? Kim Namjoon you secret keeper!" Taehyung playfully hit his superior.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Mr.Kim"  Seokjin greeted.

"Oh please call me Taehyung, Mr.Kim"

"And you may call me Jin then" A soft atmosphere settled between the three man, as the greeting continued. "So, you work in the same department as Namjoon?"

"I do. He is an incredible boss. How about you?"

"Oh well I work at the Kim Consolidated Company" Jin said.

"Oh wow, that is amazing! I always wanted to work there! Well if I wasn't working here" Taehyung's eye opened wide in awe.

"Oh really? Well from what I've heard you're pretty valuable at your current job"

"He is, Taehyung is one of the brightest minds in the company, his skill with numbers and computers is quite unique" Namjoon proudly said.

"Well I think that if it wasn't for that I would have been applying for a job at Kim Consolidated a long time ago" Both co-workers laughed as Seokjin quirked an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Oh honey well Taehyung here has, how do I put it, a knack for pissing Jungkook off. The two don't get along, never have for as long as I can remember" Namjoon grabbed his fiancee's hand as he explained. 

"Wow, now that's a first. I've always been the only person who didn't like Mr.Jeon there but it seems like I've found a new friend" Taehyung smiled at the ravenette, his gaze faltering away to where Jungkook was talking rather happily with beautiful man.

"Seems like it haha. Um if you'll excuse me" Taehyung bowed and left.

He couldn't explain the feeling that pushed him to go over to where Jungkook was. He didn't understand it but he still complied to it, walking right to where his boss was laughing and talking with Yoon Jeonghan.

If only he knew the mistake he was making.

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