The end

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Five months later

Third P.O.V

The brunette opened the door to the office and sat down at his desk, pulling out a folder from his brief case he started reading the columns of number and the long list of expenses. Not long after Jimin arrived, right on time for once, soon followed by a very sleepy Yoongi. The small boy gently kissed the grey haired's lips in a vain attempt to wake him up and ended up getting dragged onto his lap and used for cuddle.

"Morning everyone" Taehyung greeted.

"Morning" Jimin answered with joy.


Taehyung rolled his eyes and smacked Yoongi on the head to wake him up before going to make coffee for his team. The younger had been head of the department for five months now and was happy to see that his colleagues hadn't change and still saw him as an equal and a friend. 

The morning went by fairly quick, he had sent Jimin out on a meeting with a client to spare Yoongi from going and probably falling asleep while driving. Looking at the time, the boy got up and headed to the boss's office floor. The doors to the elevator opened and he made his way to his friend's desk.

"Oh hi Tae!" Rosé sweetly greeted him.

"Hi there, are you ready for lunch?"

"I am, let me just wait for Jungkook to leave. I still can't believe you two started telling people you were going out" She said and squealed.

"Well not really people per say, I mean there's you, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjin I think"

"And no one else knows? Are you sure?"

"Nope, but it's okay. Whatever happens we're ready for it" Taehyung smiled and nodded his head with confidence.

"Ready for what?" Jungkook had appeared out of nowhere, his arms instinctively going to wrap around his boyfriend who blushed furiously.

"Nothing haha! So are you joining us, Kook? We were just about to go eat lunch"

"He can't" Rosé exclaimed before the elder could even open his mouth. "He has a lunch date with a very important businessman in twenty minutes, and he cannot cancel or be late" She glared at him as Taehyung chuckled, ruffling the other's hair.

"Too bad, well we can always eat together another time" He said while Jungkook pouted.

"I hate those lunch meetings; I'd rather stay with you" He kissed his boyfriend's head.

"But you can't. Come on Rosé, let's go" The brunette pecked the ravenette's lips before grabbing his friend's hand dragging her to the elevator heading down to the lobby. 

The two walked across the floor all the way to the park outside, after looking around they finally settled down on a bench. Rosé smiled as she took out two wrapped smoked salmon sandwiches from her purse. Taehyung smiled along taking out two cans of sparkling iced tea making them both laugh before exchanging the surplus they both had. 

The day was nice, the sky was clear, a cool breeze floated in the air, the birds happily chirping in the tress, everything was finally good. Taehyung looked around and saw Jungkook exiting the building and heading towards a black Chrysler, but before he got into the car the ravenette looked up, his eyes immediately finding Taehyung. He blew a kiss towards his boyfriend making Taehyung smile widely before returning a kiss as well. Yes, everything was okay now.


It was already the end of the day and Taehyung, along with his team, were finishing the last details on a file they had been working on all afternoon. The brunette was so concentrated on his work he failed to notice the door knock and a tall man come in.

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