#1. My Crush Fell In Love With Me

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#1. My Crush Fell In Love With Me - LEEKNOW, Y/N


I step foot into the school...and here we go again...a huge crowd of fangirls start to surround me and follow me everywhere I go. Do I like any of the girls in school? Well yes but my parents don't like her and did an arranged marriage without me knowing with someone from school which I'm not very close with. They said the girl is way prettier than the girl that I like, why can't I just choose the love of my life?

And today is the day where I have to "propose" to her, ugh I hate my life. I just hope when I propose my crush won't find out about it. I'll find a way to be together with my crush...soon....

Y/N: Ahem.

All the girls stop surrounding me and made way for the girl. I noticed it was Y/N.

Y/N: Well thank you for making way. Anyways Minho I've been waiting for you, I need help with our presentation today.

LEEKNOW: Oh okay sure let's go and finish our presentation.

My goodness Y/N is so pretty...unlike any other girls she has short hair and its purple bleached. Her cute triple eyelids and cute face...

Y/N: Yo what are you thinking about? Focus dude.

LEEKNOW: Oops sorry got carried away by some random thoughts.


It's time for me to "propose" to that girl. She was already waiting for me at the rooftop.

???: Hiiii Leeknowww whatsss uppp??

LEEKNOW: I know this is sudden but...I like you.

???: R-really-?? I-I like you too...

I'm really dying of cringe on the way she talks. She may be pretty but she's not the top student-

LEEKNOW: I- I don't know how to say this...will you marry me?


I slid the ring through her finger...Gosh shes so cringe I hate her to be honest.


I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air, but when I arrived I saw my crush, Lee Minho proposing to another girl-? I ran down, crying in pain. The fact that I just witnessed my crush proposing to someone else...I left college and went to another country.


Y/N: Hello sir welcome what would you like to order?

???: One latte please.

Y/N: Would you like some milk in it?

???: Yes please.

Y/N: Okay is there anything else you would like to add on?

???: No thank you, just that.

Y/N: Alright your total is 3.50$.

???'S POV

Why does that girl look and sound familiar...Was she from my school? Is it Y/N?

Y/N: Here's your latte, si-

???: Seo Y/N?

Y/N: Who- Lee Minho? Oh...long time no see...

LEEKNOW: Can we meet up? Around 7pm later?

Y/N: U-uh sure...Here's my number just text me the address.



LEEKNOW: I know you were there, years ago when I proposed to that girl. Okay let me clear this up...You see that was an arranged marriage by my parents, I never liked the girl. After we got married I created a lot of mess in order she would divorce with me which it actually worked out.

Y/N: Damn bro...

LEEKNOW: Y/N ah...To be honest...I...I like you...

Y/N: w-what?

LEEKNOW: I promise to be the best boyfriend you'll ever have.

Y/N did not answer me, I'm afraid she might reject, but then she kissed me.

Y/N: That's your answer ;)


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