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i walked towards the room 129. I was here, but at what cost?
there was some kids passing by. some of them whispering, looking at me as if I had done something wrong.
what is going on?
"no way she's standing over there "
one of them whispered. "i know right"
I had a very bad feeling about this.
I shouldn't have come here, fuck...

is this guy some officially renowned bad boy or something?
I knocked on his door.
no response....
I knocked again. there was some noise before the door unlocked, and holy shit was the sight before me to be seen...

this was the same guy from yesterday, except he was more sober right now and he was standing half naked in front of me...
the towel was hanging dangerously low on his lower body, and his hair was dripping wet, all over his face.
he smirked leaning on the door frame, very...very...close to my face. i could almost feel his breath. "why hello cutie, what honor do I owe to such a pretty girl like u today?" his voice was awfully sweet, completely oppposite from the degrading and rude tone he used on me yesterday.

this....was NOT the same man from yesterday because what the fuck.

God how I wanted to touch his hair.
"I...uh" i stumbled upon my own words. what was I here for again?
his smirk widened. "hey now why r u so nervous? why don't u come inside ?"
do I wanted to be inside this man's room?
no- yes u do y/n...
"no thank u, I'm here to return this shirt of urs u left in our room last night-"
he took the shirt from me and eyed me up and down. he leaned on his right on the door frame, still very close. "damn, sorry for causing u trouble for that sweetheart, I didn't mean to leave my shirt in ur room after our night"
wait what. does this guy not remember what happened last night? and where did all his rude demeanor go ?
"excuse me?"
I quirked a brow at him questioning what he just said. "what do u mean by OUR night-?"

he looked surprised to say the least. "damn, did we not sleep together or something? or am I missing some pieces here?"
he quirked a brow back. oh how I wish u could have slept with me-
"what. no-!? u passed out in front of ur friend tartaglia's room and stayed there during the night too. u r missing pieces of ur memory sir, we did NOT sleep together...." I retorted stepping back w defensive hand gestures.

this was getting awkward...

he looked back at his shirt before chuckling. "my bad sweetheart, I don't remember things when I'm drunk. would u still like the offer to come inside?" he smirked. no. no I don't. this does not seem like a good idea. but he is so attractive, so fine. this legitimately feels so wrong.
sleeping with girls? doesn't remember when he drinks? and I barely know anything about this guy besides the fact he's friends with my roommate...fuck no.

"I'll have to pass up on that. sorry" I stepped back before turning around and walking away.
I definitely missed out on a chance with hottie, but it's the first day around here and I can NOT take any risks around this place at ALL. I barley remember my way around this place and he for certain seems like a walking red flag.

red definitely was my favorite color though...

I turned around to look back at him, he was still there, staring at me, leaning on his door frame. he smiled at me, very sweetly... if a smile could kill it would be this one...it was so sickenly sweet, as if there was a meaning behind it. oh no, there definitely was a meaning behind it...
I wonder how many other girls he has given that same smile to.

I have other matters to attend to however, I cannot afford to start simping over a man I have met a day ago and know barely anything about.

i had to meet hu tao at a café outside.

hu tao introduced me to her girlfriend,  yanfei. she was a sweet girl, I could tell why hu tao would fall for her. a smart and humorous woman. she was a little shorter than tao herself, pinkish hair and an adorable face.  they complemented each other's personality so perfectly.
"gosh tao, how did u pull such a nice girl" I joked to which yanfei laughed.
"hey come on now, who do u think i am" hu tao laughed.

"so how was ur first day around?" she asked as she sipped on her drink. "gosh don't get me started" I laughed sarcastically,  stirring the straw of my drink. " I met this dude, who was....oh god I have no words"
hu tao stopped drinking her drink and glanced at her girlfriend who was just as eager as her to listen to more details.
"who?? oh my God girl who was it?"

"I don't know really...but he was this very....attractive man" I stopped. a mental image already forming in my head from the events earlier. "dude was surreal but...he was such an asshole too, shucks" I whined. hu tao laughed "come on y/n who was it? was it ur roommate?"
" no , no it wasn't my roommate. it was this boy named scaramouche. he just. ugh...I don't know man, he's kind of very weirdly attractive to me. Like u get me? he's an asshole but he's also kinda not? " I ranted out without even looking at their faces. "man I don't know,  it's like attraction at first sight or something but that boy doesn't seem like a very good person to me"
I laughed out.
hu tao held out my hand that was mid air expressing out my frustration over a guy I had just met.
"y/n, please stay away from him"
hu tao warned me. the seriousness in her eyes, the concerned look on her and yanfei's face told me that my assumption on his character were infact, true.

yanfei leaned more onto the table, closer to me. "hu tao's right y/n, he's...not really a good person u should be around" it was very much expected to be heard from the way he was speaking, his way of messing around, knowing the right words to make someone flustered.

"woah woah. what's with the seriousness, just...who is this boy?" I asked out defensively. even though hu tao and yanfei were warning me about him, it was only spiking up my curiosity.
who was he, and why was he someone I should avoid? just how bad was this man for someone like hu tao to be worried?
and why was I so curious about this man?
"well let's just say, scaramouche isn't really a trusted person around this campus. he's not one u should be messing around with, or catching feelings for. he's kind of an asshole"
yanfei spoke up shaking her head.
"well I kind of figured that out yesterday with the whole passing out in front of the dorms door accident "
I sipped on my drink. I wanted to know more about this man for some reason. there was something that was making me excited about wanting to know more about him.
was it because he was very attractive?
"not only that, he's a complete player. he sleeps around with people and he's very rude too, no one really lasts long in a relationship with him more than a week or even a few days..." hu tao added rubbing her temples.

he really was a walking red flag...and I happened to meet him right on the first day. how unbecoming....

"what sucks more is how u will be seeing him more often since u both r in the same major so I suggest u stay out of his way to be honest " hu tao grumbled leaning on the table. yanfei nodded. "and in case he gives u trouble, u can always contact me. im part of the student council so ill be sure he stays in his line" she smiled.

" thanks u guys, I'll be sure to take up on that advice" or will I be?

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